
No college degree required.

Could this signal the future demise of the educational cartel certification process (diplomas)?

Skills, not diplomas are what companies need. A move toward industry competing with the traditional educational cartels would upset established paradigms and lead to less expensive solutions. A movement in this direction would level the playing field between the haves and the have-nots (can’t afford a college diploma).

Google Career Certificates might be a preferable alternative to a college degree.  From what I understand, the Google certification program is mainly for entry-level jobs, which means that if you want something beyond entry-level, you’re still going to need to go to a college, maybe a tw0-year program or a 4-year program.

The guy in this video suggests getting a Google Admin CertificationWhat’s involved in that?  Cost, hours, or months?

Here the same guy says that Microsoft and or Cisco Certification is the best route to take if you want to make yourself marketable.   Too many of these guys are capable of being very specific; it’s as though they just like hearing themselves talk.  Ugh.