Federal Raids


RUBY RIDGE, IDAHO, AUGUST 1992: August 21, 1992, to August 31, 1992
1. Ambush at Ruby Ridge: How Government Agents Set Randy Weaver Up and Took His Family Down, Alan Bock and Dean Koontz, 1995.
2.  Scott Horton interviews Jim Bovard, January 26, 2019, on Trump Attorney General nominee William Barr.  
3.  Jim Bovard’s Playboy Magazine article on Ruby Ridge, titled, “Overkill: The FBI’s Gun Battle with Randy Weaver,” Jim Bovard, 1995.
4.  “William Barr, Patron Saint of FBI Snipers,” Jim Bovard, January 16, 2019.
5.  Rules of Engagement were changed to war rules.  Marshalls had no search warrant or arrest warrant. They were on Randy’s property illegally.  If you saw them carrying a gun, it was okay to shoot them without any warning. Lon Horiuchi hiding with a 10 powered scope.  Weaver and Kevin Harris were heading back to the cabin, Lon shot Vicki standing in the doorway holding her baby.  Lon Horiuchi was also at Waco but was the lynchpin at Waco.  Arlen Specter did a hearing on Ruby Ridge.  Idaho filed criminal charges against Lon Horiuchi, and the Justice Department swooped in and said we have Supremacy clause right to steal this guy and move him to the Federal Court system where we find that we don’t have a case against him and let him go.  
6.  Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America, Radley Balko, CATO Institute, 2006.
7.  Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, Radley Balko, 2014.
8.  Lon Horiuchi: American Sniper, William Norman Grigg, 2015.
9.  “Ruby Ridge and the Age of State Terrorism,” William Norman Grigg, 2012.  Note well Will Grigg’s accurate call on how the Feds rename one’s private property “a compound,” rebranding it into a bunker for someone ready for war.  The Feds were invading and raiding a man’s private property. 

For nine days, Sara had to care for her baby sister, Elishiba, as well as her ten-year-old sister Rachel while the shattered body of her mother decomposed in the family’s cabin. Their home — or “compound,” as it was characterized by the criminals who besieged it, and the media functionaries who retailed their self-serving lies — was surrounded by a small army of federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel.

And this was something . . . 

Salt Lake attorney Jesse Trentadue explains that the federal jihad against the Weavers was an outgrowth of an FBI initiative called PATCON, or “Patriot Conspiracy.” The campaign was designed “to infiltrate and incite the militia and evangelical Christians to violence so that the Department of Justice could crush them.”



April 19.  Waco, Texas.  The Waco Seige.  The Rules of Engagement.  Ron Paul on Waco Massacre.  You’ll want to read this by Anthony Gregorywho chronicles the BATF’s publicity stunt as a preface to the Massacre of children at Waco.  Watch the cruelty of the Feds in Waco: The Rules of Engagement.  That’s the official name, and it’s now for rent on YouTube.  TopDocumentaryFilms also hosts the documentary, but they simply host the YouTube version for rent at $2.99.  I remember I was in UC Irvine’s Periodical section in the Basement working and talking about this horrible event with my coworker, Debra.


Start here with Jim Bovard’s “Eric Holder’s Waco Coverup.”  Here is a tidbit:

Danforth masterfully dredges up and reprints any possible exculpatory material for the feds–and ignores key issues on which the government has no defense. His report begins by stating that Koresh and the Davidians “shot and killed four [ATF] agents” and “wounded 20 others.” The premise is that the Davidians had wrongfully killed and wounded dozens of federal agents–and thus deserved whatever treatment they subsequently received. Entirely ignored is the planned violence behind the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’ initial raid. On February 28, 1993, more than 70 agents rolled up to the Davidians’ home in two cattle cars and jumped out shouting “Showtime!” The plan was for one group of agents to break through the front door while a second took ladders and smashed through the windows on the second floor. The ATF never attempted to present the search warrant.

This is how the Feds work.  Murder men in public opinion first, then allow whatever violence they’ve signaled to be unleashed by a public that no longer sees you as a person with any value or history or skill or family.

According to a confidential September 17, 1993, Treasury Department memo, the ATF had initiated a shooting review on March 1 and “immediately determined that these stories [of agents involved] did not add up.”

The report never discusses the excellent relations Koresh had with local law enforcement. It notes instead that “Koresh and his followers harbored strong anti-government views, that he expected a confrontation with the federal government, and that he and his followers viewed such confrontation as a means to religious salvation”–as if that justified the government assault that followed. Danforth doesn’t mention that only nine days before the ATF attack David Koresh had gone target shooting with three undercover ATF agents (whom he recognized as G-men). After the raid the same ATF insisted that Koresh never went outside the “compound”–and thus the agency needed to launch a full-scale attack to get him. But Koresh could easily have been arrested while target shooting. None of this interests Danforth.

1995, Oklahoma City Bombing.  Read David Hoffman’s Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror.  Then there is the Jesse Trentadue story.

Bovard posted this on Saturday, April 9, 2022 on his FB page, adding this video interview to it.

Whitmer Kidnapping Case, October 9, 2020.

StopTrumpsTerror is one of the hottest trending topics on Twitter, with more than 90,000 tweets. Yesterday, the FBI announced the arrest of six people yesterday in a plot (perhaps government-hatched) to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and put her on trial for treason for destroying the state’s economy with the lockdowns she imposed. Seven other individuals were arrested and charged with violating Michigan’s anti-terrorism law.

I did not know that Trump denounced the lockdowns.

Trump had no connection to the plot, and at least one of the alleged plotters denounced Trump as a “tyrant” and “the enemy.” But Trump’s condemnations of lockdowns was enough for Gov. Whitmer to denounce Trump yesterday as “complicit” with the plotters. She derided Trump for spending “the past 7 months denying science, ignoring his own health experts, stoking distrust, fomenting anger and giving comfort to those who spread fear and hatred and division.” Former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi told MSNBC that Donald Trump should be investigated for “aiding and abetting” the Michigan plot.

Two Types of Terror in Michigan