Gary North

GARY NORTH’S BOOKS can be found here.
1. Perspectives on Tithing, Gary North, et al., 2011.
2. Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus, Gary North, 1990.
3. Gary North and Cultural Underground.
4. Disobedience and Defeat, Gary North, 2012.
5. Cooperation and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Romans, Gary North, 2000.
6. The Theology of Christian Resistance, Gary North, 1983.
7. Crossed Fingers,
8. Is The World Running Down? Crisis in the Christian Worldview, Gary North.
Dr. Gary North on the Bible and Economics.
9. Hierarchy and Dominion, Gary North.
10. Authority and Dominion, Part III, Gary North, 2012.
Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism, Gary North, 1994.
1965 we see a revival of visible occultism, starting with the counter-culture destroying “the Old Establishment humanism of the “can-do” pragmatism which was apotheosized posthumously as Kennedy’s Camelot” says Gary North.  This revival of occultism marks the end of an older rationalist civilization and points to the establishment of a new one: a conscious Christian civilization which is dominion-oriented.  The only other possible contenders are Communism, which is the power religion of our era, and which is utterly bureaucratic, parasitic, and destructive, or New Age humanism, the major escapist religion, which is compromised by occultism and the theology of occultism.  Neither can lead to a new civilization. The counter-culture of 1965 really does represent a civilizing break from the previous 300 years of Western Civilization.
11. Christian Economic Theory: Neither Aristotle Nor Kant, Gary North, Jan. 15, 2015.
Covenantal Economics, Gary North, 2015.
12. Rapture Fever, Gary North.
13. Victim’s Rights, Gary North, 1990.
14. Moses and Pharoah, Gary North.
15. Theonomy: An Informed Response, Dr. Gary North, 1991.
Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, by William S. Barker,  reveals a startling decline of theological scholarship at Calvinism’s premier academic seminary. This decline accompanied a quarter-century of institutional drift. The seminary has still not recovered from the ideological and theological disruptions of the late 1960s. By the time the Vietnam War ended in 1975, Cornelius Van Til had retired, and the seminary no longer spoke with a unified voice, or spoke much at all, for that matter.
Theonomy: A Reformed Critique is the seminary’s theological self-justification for not having presented a systematic challenge to the humanist order in this generation. It is a defense of pietism’s thesis: a forthright rejection of the Bible’s judicial relevance in a morally disintegrating secular world. This is why Zondervan was willing to publish it. Biblical law is an offense. Theonomy: An Informed Response is a mopping-up operation. It completes what Gary North began in Westminster’s Confession: The Abandonment of Van Til’s Legacy and Greg L. Bahnsen extended in No Other Standard: Theonomy and Its Critics. The authors challenge Westminster’s faculty’s assertion that biblical civil law is no longer binding in the New Covenant era, especially its mandated negative civil sanctions against convicted criminals. The authors ask the faculty: What does the Bible require of civil government if a resurrected Old Covenant law-order is not applicable? What is the Bible-sanctioned alternative? In short, “If not God’s law, then whose?” Westminster needs to answer.
16. Tactics of Christian Resistance, Gary North, 1983.  From the description:
17.  The Dominion Covenant, Gary North, 1982.  
18.  Gary North on Dominion.  

Confronted by Tyrants
Abraham deceived Pharaoh, and God blessed him (Genesis 12).
Jacob wrestled with Laban, and God prospered him (Genesis 29-31).
Joseph performed outstanding slave service and became the ruler of Egypt (Genesis 39-41).
Moses said, “Let my people go,” and God gave deliverance (Exodus 1-14).
Ehud presented Eglon with a gift: a hiltless sword in the gut (Judges 3).
Jael lured Sisera to sleep and drove a tent-peg through his skull (Judges 4-5).
David cut off the corner of Saul’s robe and then repented of it (l Samuel 24).
Jehosheba and Jehoiada concealed prince Joash from Athaliah (ll Kings 11).
Obadiah worked quietly for the LORD at Ahab’s court, while Elijah prophesied against Ahab’s sins (l Kings 18).
Azariah rebuked King Uzziah for trying to make the church a department of the state (ll Chronicles 26).
Jeremiah counseled submission to Nebuchadnezzar, while Hananiah counseled rebellion (Jeremiah 26-28).
Daniel and his friends served Nebuchadnezzar faithfully but refused to worship his gods (Daniel 3-6).
Jesus Christ answered not a word to the charges of the High priest and to the questions of the Roman Governor (Matthew 26:63;27:14).
Paul made full use of his rights as a Roman citizen in arguing his case (Acts. 23-26).
The Early Christians paid their taxes but went to the lions rather than turn in scrolls of the Bible.
Thomas Becket was slain in a cathedral rather than let King Henry ll lay taxes directly on the Church.
Andrew Melville [see here] told King James VI of Scotland that he was not a king, nor a lord, nor a head, but only a member in Christ’s Church.
The Founding Fathers declared that George III had broken covenant with the Christians of America.

Crossed Fingers, Gary North, 1996.  From the description:

This plan is repeatable. It has been used by liberals to take over every mainline American denomination in the twentieth century, including the Roman Catholic Church, which succumbed in 1966. No hierarchical denomination is immune. But because so few Christians are aware of the plan’s features, and what its telltale signs are, defenses against it are weak or nonexistent. Because of this, it keeps working. So far, only conservative Missouri Synod Lutherans have self-consciously held it in check. Only the Southern Baptist Convention has reversed it. Crossed Fingers is the first book to identify and discuss in detail the five points of liberalism and the rival theological positions. It is also the first published book that “follows the money” by tracing the sources of the funding of theological liberalism in twentieth-century America. One man, more than any other, was the primary source: John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Crossed Fingers serves as a handbook for the diagnosis and defeat of the same liberal forces that have captured American Christianity. How did they do it? With a vision, with a plan, and with other people’s money. Crossed Fingers shows how they achieved victory in what had been the most theologically conservative large Protestant denomination on earth. It also shows what the conservative Presbyterians could have done, and still have not done, to immunize the Church.  See the description for this book

Young people, regardless of their sexual orientation, need to understand the institutional power of heterosexism and the injustice that it perpetuates. As the church is called to speak a truthful word about sexuality, it does so in the name of God’s call to justice a call that invites gay and lesbian adolescents to explore the goodness of their sexuality within the community of God’s people.

This statement appeared in a 1991 document submitted for consideration by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., America’s largest Presbyterian denomination. It was titled Keeping Body and Soul Together: Sexuality, Spirituality, and Social Justice. It was submitted by the General Assembly’s Special Committee on Human Sexuality. It failed to gain official approval, but its supporters had believed that it had a chance. Those who wrote it were not brought to trial for heresy. Two years later, the Presbyterian Church sent 400 women, the largest delegation, to the World Council of Churches’ RE-imagining Conference, a feminist ecumenical assembly attended by several self-proclaimed witches. At that conference, attendees celebrated a communion meal in the name of the goddess Sophia. The Presbyterian Church contributed $66,000 to fund that affair. Yet when this gathering was retroactively challenged by Presbyterian conservatives as heretical, the 1994 General Assembly voted not to bring formal charges against the participants. The vote was 516 to four.

Gary Demar’s American Vision