Complaint Letters to Corp Hdqtrs About Store Managers

In this era of COVID-19, we’re all pushed to our limits even when we’re out just shopping for dinner.  You may find yourself on the receiving of individual bullying or corporate bullying.  For this reason, you’ll need some protections.  But it is clear that you’re unlikely to win anything in court since the edict is based on emergency powers baked into a state’s constitution.

Wenzel recently reviewed this past year from the perspective of a San Francisco resident in a post he wrote, titled, “A Final Report: 12 Months of Not Wearing a Mask in San Francisco,” Robert Wenzel, Target Liberty, April 30, 2021.  A key strategic feature that he offers apart from so many of the wusses out there is how to get the company that harasses you to get in line with increased civility.

But it was the damn social justice-trained white guys that were the big problem.

It was confrontations with these clowns that most often led to my taking things to more senior management. It happened at Macy’s, Container Store and Half-Price Books in Berkeley among other places.

The usual routine would be for me to call or email national headquarters and then it would be bounced down to the regional manager.

If nothing else, the managers were extremely apologetic and professional and the punk kid was going to get a serious talking to.

Here is an email sent to me by one of the regional managers:

I am an Area Director for XYZ and the stores in Northern California are within my market responsibilities.  I received from our corporate office your email with details of the experience you had in our San Francisco location last week.  I did want you to know that I have already followed up with my General Manager of the San Francisco location and shared with him your email.  I do have a meeting scheduled with [the employee] also this week.  If you have the time I would like to talk with you over the phone and have the opportunity to apologize to you directly on behalf of XYZ.

 If you would be able to provide me with a time of when you would be available this week on Thursday 4th or Friday 5th along with what phone number is best to reach you at, that would be great.  Certainly, if either of those days is not convenient for you I can chat next week any day from the 9th – 12th.

Thank you so much for your time.

The regional manager provided me with her direct cell phone number and email address after the full investigation so that I could contact her in the future about any problems.

One thing I did learn with discussions with these regional managers is that they all pull the surveillance tape of the confrontations so I am always aware of this now.

When I tell these punk kids that I have an exemption in line with San Francisco public health ordinances and a medical exemption letter, they all refuse to look at it. So I now make sure that I clearly attempt to show the ordinance and letter in a manner that the video will catch it well and catch the refusal of the employee to look at it.

Allen Stevo who writes frequently for, or LRC, offers strategies that don’t seem to go far enough in my opinion.