
1.  “Our Giant Welfare State,” Robert J. Samuelson, Washington Post, 11/25/2014.  Excerpt follows . . .The OECD report brims with insights about welfare systems. Did you know, for example, that China — heir to a communist social system — has a puny welfare state compared with most wealthy nations? In 2009, its social spending equaled 7 percent of GDP.” Welfare Before the Welfare State,” Joshua Fulton, Mises.org, June 21, 2011.  Excerpt follows . . . Lodges also had incentives to keep down costs. For instance, the Ladies Friends of Faith Benevolent Association, a black-female society, would pay members taken ill $2 a week if they saw the lodge doctor, and $3 if they didn’t. A visiting committee also checked on the claimant to guard against false claims. Members who failed to visit the claimant were fined $1.  9  Mutual-aid societies also enforced moral codes. In 1892, the Connecticut Bureau of Labor Statistics found that societies followed the “invariable rule” of denying benefits “for any sickness or other disability originating from intemperance, vicious or immoral conduct.” Many societies refused to pay benefits for any injury sustained in the “participation in a riot.” 10  Some lodges even denied membership to people who manufactured explosives or played professional football.  11 Many mutual-aid societies branched out and founded their own hospitals and sanitariums. The Securities Benefit Association, or SBA, charged $21 for an 11-day stay at their hospital in Kansas, while the average at 100 private hospitals was $72.  12  Again, quality was not necessarily sacrificed for price. At the SBA’s sanitarium, the mortality rate was 4.5 percent, while the historical average for sanitariums was 25 percent. This is especially impressive considering that 30 to 50 percent of all cases admitted to the SBA’s sanitarium were “advanced.”  13Origins of the Welfare State,” Murray Rothbard, 1996.”The Welfare State,” Charles Burris, May 18, 2013.  This is a near duplicate of Burris’ book list, but I do believe that you should find a few extras.  I love that he is as prolific a reader on this topic that he is.
2.  Man Versus the Welfare State, Henry Hazlitt, 1969.
3.  “The Great Society: A Libertarian Critique,” Murray Rothbard, 1967.  This article has a terrific works-cited list at the end.  Check it out.
4.  WWI as Fulfillment: Power and Intellectuals, Murray Rothbard, 1989.  This article also contains an excellent bibliography that will keep you reading for hours and days on welfare, its source, and its advocates.
5.  Statistics on Welfare
6.  Personal Character Conquers Another Welfare State Tragedy,
7.  Charles Burris on the Welfare State and how it originated in England under Disralei and in Germany under von Bismark.  This is a bibliography on the welfare system.
8.  “In Defense of the Welfare State,” George Will, May 9, 1983.
9.  Thomas Sowell on the Welfare State.  Posted Friday, July 10, 2020.
10.  Walter E. Williams on the Welfare State
13.  “The Education of Minority Children,” Thomas Sowell, 
14.  “The Welfare State: Shredding Society,” Mark Owen, February 7, 2007.
15.  “The Theology of the Welfare State,” Gary North, July 30, 2005. 


“Declining birth rates with negative population growth has become the norm worldwide in nations with extensive welfare regimes,” says Mark Owen in “The Welfare State: Shredding Society,” Mark Owen, February 7, 2007.  He also offered some compelling figures on the societal breakdowns caused by the welfare state, 

Many statistics of the family paint a similar picture. Births out of wedlock were consistently at or below 5% between 1940 and 1960. By 1970, the rate had risen to over 10% and has continued to rise to 33% of all births today. Even children born to two married biological parents are much more likely to experience divorce and a single parent household. Divorce rates increased from 9 to 23 per 1000 married couples annually from 1960 to 1980, while leveling off at 20 per 1,000 through 1998. How much of this leveling off in divorce rates is the result of relationships in groups with higher divorce tendencies never evolving past cohabitation is difficult to ascertain. Over half of children born today in the US will live in a single parent household, while in some areas the rate is much higher. It is hard to ignore the statistical relationship between crime and family dissolution.