Tom Woods

Woods does try to help out.  In fact, he’s helped out quite a few from what I can understand.

Tom Woods Video:


I.  CONTENT MARKETING.  Tom’s mom uses rich, valuable content.  Which means what? Would love to see an example to verify that “value” and “richness.”
a.   Niche blog, SEO friendly (meaning your writing is rich with keywords that people would search for).
b.   Organic traffic with paid traffic being one option.

a.   Physical products.
b.   More emphasis on paid traffic.

a.   Physical products: T-shirts,
b.   Digital products: eBooks, video course, YT “How to” videos.

Create a simple product to give away. You don’t have to create an eBook on some topic.  Language learning, health, fitness, making money, homeschool curriculum.  Mark Ling gave a list of great niches.  Google search for great niches.  You don’t have to do a video course for a video series that will help them.  Tim Page of LeadPages, which free giveaway are people most interested in?  1 or 2-page PDF listing of helpful resources.  Top 10 resources used by the best online entrepreneurs.  Use to make the PDF look fancy for you.  Give that away.

Set up an opt-in page to collect email addresses in exchange for the free product. They have to give the email address.  Took Woods 10 minutes to design the lead-in page.  Heading, a few bullet points, and the opt-in button.

Send relevant affiliate offers to that email list. You got to do something with the emails, items related to the thing they signed up for.  Promote products from Clickbank.    That’s interesting.  their products are affiliate marketing products, that help people make more effective sales videos.  Helping capitalists become more efficient capitalists.  What do you email them?  Offers.  “Get this new thing.  It’s awesome!”  This won’t fly every day.  Tell stories, political controversy, and then lead into a pitch for some product.  Ben Settle is king who teaches you how to do these emails.  An email list is like an ATM.

LeadPages to build lead pages. Free gift is automatically delivered to the email recipient.  System to send the emails IS . . . Aweber @  Everybody who joins your email list gets a 5-day sequence of your material

The key tool you need is Builderall, sinc.

1.  Good Affiliate tip from Bill Myers.
2.  JV Notify Pros, Mike Menz.  I learned of Mike Menz from Tom Woods’ interview of Michael Cheney.  And here too.  In the notes embedded to the Michael Cheney interview, Woods references an earlier interview he did with Katie Wells of WellnessMama.  I’ve seen her site, and from a marketing standpoint, it is quite good.  But in the comments section, Tom goes to bat defending his affiliation with Michael Cheney and how affiliate marketing really does work, saying

This is how Katie Wells, my guest for episode 995, got her start. In that episode she tells the story of noting on her bank statement one day that Amazon had sent her money, and she barely had any idea how it had happened. She figured out it was an affiliate commission and went from there.

3.  Tom Woods interviews Chris Guillebeau.
4.  Marketing tools.