“empowering losers to grope us and rummage our most intimate belongings degrades [us] all . . . .  Such jobs attract only the lowest of the low: predators who enjoy humiliating others, bullies who live to lord it over the wretches under their sway. Ergo, even if a relatively decent person decides he’s up for rifling his neighbor’s underwear, he does so in the company of monsters. Perhaps the TSA recruits a saint now and then, but he must quickly sink to the agency’s level—or admit his error and bail. Which, of course, only concentrates the scum.”  Becky Akers

Akers adds that “It’s also old news that the agency persecutes anyone who squeals on its internal crimes and misdemeanors.”  Why this is good news, to say the least.

If you’re going to opt-out of the full-body scan, this exchange here is not a bad one to replicate:

“I need a witness!” exclaimed the worried Transportation Security Administration screener at Reagan Washington National Airport a few months ago. Because I had forgotten to remove my belt before going through a TSA scanner, he explained that I must undergo an “enhanced patdown.” I told him that if he jammed my groin, I’d file a formal complaint against him. So he summoned his supervisor to keep an eye on the proceedings. After his white-suited boss arrived on the scene, I announced that I too needed a witness. The boss bureaucrat assured me there was a video camera recording the scene. “But does it have audio?” I demanded to know. “That’s confidential security information,” he replied. “Ha! More like security theater,” I retorted.

Victory #1: Mom Takes on the TSA and Mom Wins.

Victory #2Family Sues DEA & TSA After Pittsburgh Man’s $82,000 Lifesaving Was Seized at an Airport Without Being Charged for a Crime

Terrence Rolin, 79, and his daughter Rebecca Brown are the lead plaintiffs in a federal class-action lawsuit filed Wednesday by the Institute of Justice

A Pilot Explains Why the TSA Is Nothing More Than an Off-Broadway Show, 2010.  Still, they have enough power to detain you, to take your shit, to delay you from your flight, and to feature and humiliate you in front of the other sheep passengers boarding the plane.  And if you’ve got any kind of health condition, fuggedaboutit.  And those full-body scanners will make you sick.

Don’t forget that each of those TSA agents, regardless of color, regardless of sex, regardless of age are thugs.  They get paid quite well, and their number one job is to harass you, humiliate you, deny you any personal request regardless of the respect that you confer or show to them.  As I stood prepared to go through the full-body scan, an agent from the Denver TSA asked if I’d gotten all the metal removed from my person.  I said yes without realizing that I’d had a metal pen still in my shirt pocket.  He asked the question while studying my pen, trying to prove how insubordinate, surly, and uncooperative I was after I’d asked a younger black girl if I had to remove my belt.  Though I’d been through the TSA a few times, I thought the whole procedure ludicrous, theatrical, and sadistic.  I removed the pen upon the guard’s, excuse me, the agent’s insistence, and went through the full-body scan.  I had nothing left on me except for my shirt, pants, underwear, and socks.  As I went through the scanner, the guard stood at the monitor where my image appeared and he said “Oh, something’s been detected.”  I could see gray patches on my image in the monitor at my armpits, my groin, my neck, and my knees.  I’m just trying to think what it was that I could have been hiding in those, ahem, discrete locations.  The motherfucking guard pulled this just to harass me and to draw unwanted and unwarranted attention to me.  He waved his wand over me AFTER I’d gone through the scanner, proving by his very own actions that the scanners are useless.  It’s just theater.  Macabe theater.

Oh, my.  It looks like Denver International Airport has a particularly bad PR problem with its sadistic ghouls in blue, 2011.

It looks like the TSA charges groping fees, 2014.  It seems to me like a lot of the pederasts, thugs, and sadists would do this for free.

Oh, good.  It looks like the full-body scanners that the sadists at the TSA use to harm their brother is causing them cancer, 2011.  Let me wipe a tear.

Former TSA Guard Agent: Dear America, I Saw You Naked (and, Yes, We Were Laughing), 2014.

TSA-Like Drama at the 2013 U.S. Open, 2013.  Some of the comments in this post are excellent.  

Bob Murphy on the bad economics of the TSA, 2010.  

There are organizations that advocate for passengers’ rights, but if you know the TSA and its Federal Bureau when the federal government touches you it’s not a crime, points out James Bovard, “Or perhaps the agency simply presumes that “it’s not an assault when federal agents do it.”  “TSA’s Secret Watchlist for Travelers Who Don’t Kowtow,” James Bovard, 2019.

TSA NOW ALLOWS LIQUIDS  Read about it here.  Bruce Schneier.