Computer Programming

To beginners, like myself, this comes from Khan Academy:

I liked at the end how the speaker emphasized JavaScript.

1. Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters, Justin Seitz, 2015.  Pentester refers to Penetration Tester.  Good to know.  I learned of this book from a post on Oregon prisons forbidding their inmates from studying computer coding for security reasons.  
2.  C Programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide: C Prog Absol Begin Guide eBook, Greg Perry, Dean Miller, 2014. 
3.  Windows 10: 2016 User Guide and Manual: Microsoft Windows 10 for Windows Users, Jack Echo and Julianne Windows, 2016.
4.  Beginning Linux Programming, Neil Matthew and Richard Stones, 2008.  
5.  LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exams 101 and 102, Roderick W. Smith, 2015.
6.  Operating Systems DeMYSTiFieD, Ann McIver McHoes, 2012.
7.  Windows 98, 6-in-1, Jane Calabria, 1998.
8.  LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute Certification Guide: Exams 101 and 102, Christine Bresnahan and Richard Blum, 2005.
9.  Windows Game Programming for Dummies, 2nd Edition, Andre LaMothe, 2002.
10.  Build Your Own Website the Right Way Using HTML and CSS: Start Building Websites Like a Pro, Ian Lloyd, 2011.
11.  Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet, Yasha Levine, 2018.  He mentions the counterinsurgency origins of the internet.  Internet as a tool of surveillance and as a tool of control.  Hence, the concept of grooming the user.  Back in the 1960s, people did not see computers or computer networks as tools of liberation or liberating technologies.  They saw them as tools of political and social control.  And that specifically included the Arpanet, the network that would later grow into the internet.  It’s a tool of tracking, surveilling, and ultimately controlling the behavior of a target population.”  And in the volatile environment of the 1960s, that target population quickly morphed from the Vietcong insurgence into the American public itself.  And anyone else who can pose a threat to the Pentagon’s ambitions at home and abroad.  
12.  Leveraging the Internet of Things for a More Efficient and Effective Military, Denise E. Zheng and William A. Carter, 2015.

Looks like Silicon Valley is really committed to rehabilitating criminals in the California penal system to code and program.  Interesting.  Find stories about this here, here, and here.  

Some articles:
1. Why We Fight for Crypto, Errata Security.
2. Cryptogram Archives by Scheiner on Security. 