Top 10 Lists

from ROBERT WENZEL . . . .  Until I find the link to the list of 10 books below, please enjoy this other fantastic list he’s composed, titled “The 30 Day Reading List That Will Lead You to Becoming a Knowledgeable Libertarian,” 2012. 

The following Best-Selling Books list at EPJ appeared on July 2014 post:

The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank by Robert Wenzel. —Because of thisThird month on the list.

2. Austrian School Business Cycle Theory by Murray Rothbard—Because of this. Second month on the list.

HOT 3. Nixon’s Secrets: The Truth About Watergate and the Pardon by Roger Stone—Because of thisSecond month on the list.

4. The Secret of Selling Anything by Harry Browne –On the list because of this:  How to Get a Wall Street Job in One Hour the Fifth appearance on the list.

5.  The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order by Benn Steil—Because of this.

6. The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ by Roger Stone–Because of this the Second month on the list.

7. Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve by Chris Rossini. Because of this.

8. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky —Because of this: Alinsky’s Rules for Radicalssecond appearance on the list.

9. How the Indians Lost Their Land: Law and Power on the Frontier by Stuart Banner—Because of this.

10. The Professional Commodity Trader (Look Over My Shoulder) by Stanley Kroll—Mentioned in the EPJ Daily AlertSecond appearance on the list.

1. 10 Best Books from September 2014.
2. Best-selling books, October 2014.
3. More best-sellers from 2015 to 2016 and beyond.  


The Most Important Books for Preserving Civilization, David Gordon, 2018. 

10 Best Books on Money, David Gordon, 2008, [these are books on monetary theory, not making money]

What Has Government Done to Our Money?, Murray Rothbard, Money must always be a commodity?  Names for money are named after weight.  Money must be a commodity if an economy is to work right. 

A Theory of Money and Credit, Ludwig von Mises, 1912.  The greatest of all books on monetary theory.  Mises solved a big problem for monetary theory that economists were previously unable to solve.  The prices of goods are explained by subjective values that consumers put on them. 

The Causes of Economic Crises, Ludwig von Mises, 1948. 

Prices and Production and Other Works, F. A. Hayek, 2003.

American Critic, Dwight McDowell.  Kill or Get Killed, Rex Applegate, 1976.  The thesis of this book could be summarized as kick below the belt especially when the other man is down.  

Money, Bank, Credit, and Economic Cycles, Jesus Huerta DeSota, 1998. He’s good at reply to monetarists like Milton Friedman, not much difference between Monetarists and Keynesians.  Besides being an economist, he’s an expert on legal theory.  

America’s Great Depression, Murray Rothbard, 1963.  The Austrian is the one that is able to explain what happened.  He explains the Great 1929 Depression as well.  Benjamin Strong was inflating the money supply, acting in conjunction with the Bank of England.  American policy was really subservient to British interests.  

Twilight of Gold, 1914-1936: Myths & Realities, Melchior Palyi, 1972.  Melchior was critical of Milton Friedman and the monetarists.  The chief economist of the Deutsch bank.  A disciple of German Socialist, Max Weber.  Stresses the influence of Montague Norman on monetary policy after WWI. 

The Monetary Sin of the West, Jacques Rueff, 1972. 

The Intransigence of Ludwig von Mises,” Jacques Rueff, 1956.  There’s a limit to how much a country can inflate because they will lose gold.  How?  Pound could pyramid on the American dollar.  Rueff applies this criticism of the gold exchange system, claims it was the end of western civilization.  

Money and the Mechanism of Exchange, William Stanley Jevons, 1875, developed the requirement of money being a store of value.  A minimum reserve requirements is like telling a spendthrift to keep a schilling in your pocket so you 

Money: Its Connexion With Rising and Falling Prices, Edwin Cannan, 1918.  He popularized the idea the reason prices go up is that gov’t expanded the money supply.  The money supply causes increases in prices. 

Notes on George Orwell’s 1984 novel.