on Education

1.  “College Freshman Read at 7th Grade Level,” Warren Mass, Jan. 8, 2015, The New American.
2.  The Underground History of American Public Education, John Taylor Gatto, 2000.
3.  Dr. Gary North on the glut of PhDs, 2006.
4.  The Power of a Story, Gary North, March 19, 2015.
5.  “Campus Hate Speech That Wasn’t Punished,” Lila Rajiva, March 15, 2015.
6.  There goes the labor theory of value, from Robert Wenzel.
7.  FFF’s Educational Archives.
8.  Homeschooling.
9.  Children Trap, Gary North, 1986.  Here’s the book.
10.  What Is a Liberal Education, Gary North, August 18, 2015.
11.  Crime in an Urban Classroom, Walter Williams, September 17, 2015.
12.  Gary North on Busing, “Two Buses,” 2004.
13.  Gary North on how a Christian college librarian got fired because he refused to pull his own book from the library shelves for his controversial statement regarding the deaths of the 6 million Jews in the WWII holocaust.  “He told me this story over a decade ago. A woman on the faculty discovered a book in the college library: David Irving’s Hitler’s War. It is a good book on Hitler’s military planning. When first published, it received mixed responses by historians, but the major military historian of our generation, Sir John Keegan, praised it. So did another expert on World War II’s history, Hugh Trever-Roper. But then the author crossed a forbidden line. He denied that six million Jews had been executed by the Nazis. His reputation did not recover.”
14.  From Gary North on homeschooling:

I have no doubt that these stories are true. I also have no doubt that most parents don’t care. The parents could pull their kids out of school this afternoon. They could buy a few cheap Chromebook computers, and enroll their kids online for free in the Khan Academy. Here is what the Khan Academy does not have:

Incompetent tenured teachers
Incompetent overpaid administrators
Traumatized victims

15.  Gary North on Salman Kahn.
16.  Gary North on Classical Education.  Caveat Emptor.
17.  Gary North on the Battle of Textbooks.
18.  Campuses Erupting Over Feelings.  Here’s why.
19.  Great article on the crybullies at Mizzou and Yale, called “A Timeline of Hate on Campus,” Gavin McInnes, Taki Magazine, November 13, 2015.
20.  Credential Is Killing the Classroom, Isaac Morehouse, FEE, August 11, 2015.
21.  Grades & Schools: Too Big to Fail, Washington Post, July 5, 2016.
22.  On the Costs of Public Education, CATO Institute.
23.  Chronic Absenteeism, U.S. Dept. of Education.
24.  Why Government Schools Don’t Educate, John Taylor Gatto, June 30, 2010.

John Holt interviewed in Pullman, Washington from Growing Without Schooling

In the interview, he makes reference to conservative educator, Fred M. Hechinger of the New York Times, to John Goodlad’s book in 1984, A Place Called Schools, to Charles Silberman’s 1971 book, Crisis in the Classroom.  Says there was never a time when students graduated from school as good writers, good readers . . . that never happened.  One of his books is How Children Learn: Classics in Child Development, John Holt, 1995.  His dates are 1923 to 1985.

25.  Standard forms of school violence.  The intention may not have been violent, but the results are disastrous.  Drudge posted a report a month or so back about how kids who are associates all it takes is for 5 to 10% of them to believe violence to be a justifiable ends to a means and the rest of the group’s penchant for violence rises.
26.  Nora Zeale Hurston on race hustling by communist Richard Wright and her distaste for both the New Deal and 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown v. Board of Education.  Nora Zeale Hurston writes a 1955 letter to the city editor telling him that The Court Can’t Make the Races Mix.  
27.  Facts on Brown v. Board of Education.
28.  “The Education of Minority Children,” Thomas Sowell, 2001.
29.  Walter Williams on Educational Rot, Wednesday, December 27, 2017.  He writes

With but a few exceptions, schools of education represent the academic slums of colleges. They tend to be home to students who have the lowest academic test scores — for example, SAT scores — when they enter college. They also tend to have the lowest scores when they graduate and choose to take postgraduate admissions tests — such as the GRE, the MCAT and the LSAT (http://tinyurl.com/h57ngzy). Professors at schools of education tend to have the lowest level of academic respectability. American education could benefit from eliminating schools of education. 


1.  John Saxon developed Saxon Math.  Apparently, he was a “war hero.”

1. “Public Schools are the New Inmates in the American Police State,” John Whitehead, 09/2015.

1. Crime in an Urban Classroom, Walter Williams, September 17, 2015.  This is a good article for any teacher reviewing his position and the threats that exist at his school and in his profession.  Understand, too, that teachers may or may not face direct threats, but they can also face threats off-campus by associates of the thugs on campus.  Teachers can take it, meaning their role in the classroom, too far.  They are tasked with managing a classroom full of boys and girls AND teach.  Ha!  To control or manage the classroom, some teachers will confiscate the property of students who are using their property to distract and detract from the message in the classroom.  They don’t have to agree with the message or even respect the messenger, but understand, too, that the message is the most important product or possession of the teacher.  Without it they are nothing, their message and their reputation amount to nothing. 
2.  Broward County, Florida school teacher awarded $3 million: one of her students battered and raped her.

Gary North cites Joel Skousen, but I can’t find any citation by Skousen for May 24, 2018.  The only article by Skousen that I can find is one where he reviews Walter Williams’ assessment of public schools, dated May 1, 2018.  

Joel Skousen offered this solution yesterday.

Public schools are inherently evil because they operate on government theft of money from those of us who don’t use them and do like what they teach. They are inherently evil because they also operate with a mandate to force people to attend. And, of course, they are evil because the school textbooks and curriculum are anti-liberty, anti-free markets, anti-US sovereignty, anti-Western culture and anti-Christian (with a few exceptions where good teachers find ways to evade pushing political correctness, evolution, and Godlessness).

If we made two changes in law, it would foster alternative schools and public schools would die on the vine—1) do away with the default government mandate forcing people to attend public school and 2) exempt everyone who doesn’t attend a public school from school property taxes, so they would be free to apply their money to some other school of their choice.

That way, you don’t have to mandate schools teach God, creationism, or enforce proper discipline. People would simply patronize a school that meets their standards. You could even allow schools to keep the lavish buildings built with all of our money, but they would soon not even be able to pay the upkeep and salaries when only the users had to pay the entire cost of the bloated public school program they attend—no public subsidies. Then those buildings would be sold to another more prosperous school who could afford it.

1. National Center for Educational Statistics, NCES.


By Sam Blumenfeld.