
For College.  College Confidential.  


Here are the top posting forums that target people from different industries and talk about making money.


AdSense Experts Forum.  This site looks like it is effectively done since 2017, about the time that AdSense changed its money-making algorithms so that they bankrupt publishers.  This site says that “Experts in AdSense can also be contacted. In one line, information can be made into cash.”

Google AdSense Help.

See this checklist for a drop in earnings.

There are multiple factors that affect revenue, but in general, the important metrics are cost-per-click (CPC)CTR, and impressions. You can view these metrics on the Reports page in your AdSense account.

Yes. More traffic = more earnings.

Content Marketing is still king.


Blogolect?  I have my doubts.  Latest updates appear on January 2021.

Blogging issues, information, and advice can be discussed here, including WordPress, Blogger, etc.

Even blogging tips can help you improve your website. Discuss search engine optimization (SEO), (SEP), strategy linking, and money-making opportunities with Adsense.

Blogger Support is what you want.

Embed Affiliate Links on Blogger?

Open a blank document in your favorite word processor and copy and paste the affiliate code into it. Make sure the code you copy has your unique affiliate code inside of it. This code or user ID number tells the website where its traffic came from as well as whom to pay should a customer purchase one of their products because of the incoming traffic. Save the document for later use and open your Web browser.

Go to and click on the “Design” link. This page is an overview of your blog’s page elements. However, before copying the code onto the blog, you’ll want to back it up.

Back up you blog by clicking on the “Edit HTML” link in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Click on the “Download Full Template” link on the following page to back up your blog. This is just in case the code doesn’t work or if you’d like to change the blog back to the way it was.


See here.  “How to Create an Email List the Right Way.”

WICKEDFIRE FORUM is an Affiliate Marketing Forum.

It is admired and popular among webmasters that WickedFire exists. You can get real-time suggestions in real-time and niche-specific knowledge. WickedFire is a forum specifically for affiliate marketers and bloggers. While WarriorForum sells products, Digital Point does not.

Being successful on such a platform is nearly impossible. Scammers can make millions without ever earning a penny. You can therefore earn real money in ten forums. 


WarriorsForum is an online collaboration platform for entrepreneurs. They have been learning how to succeed online for years. Discounts and benefits are offered to premium members.  Here is their Twitter page.

A video tutorial shared on WarriorForum is the best tool for online business owners to publish a website. 

As you learn, share your ideas with others. This is an archive of cash marketing. You must, however, pay in advance. It is free to join.


It is a reputable online forum. Search engines and their optimization are discussed in the DigitalPoint forum. Beginners can participate in online cash through DigitalPoint. DigitalPoint’s quality and content cannot be compared with other forums. Several domains are spam-free.

Even though there is no fee, they offer exclusive access. Your membership policy is strict. DigitalPoint requires a PayPal member to make payments.

Mturk provides two forums on MTurk is Mechanical Turk forum, the Amazon gig site.  Experienced employees and new hires alike can often find valuable information in MTurk’s forum.

The forums on mTurk are a good place to learn more about mTurk’s tips and tricks for working with Turkish workers. MTurk’s free platform offers infinite learning opportunities. It has an intuitive interface.

Participation is easy. Create your account, accept the guidelines, and get active. MTurk is also available in a Turkish forum for news, information, and views.

Multi-Level Marketing Forum (MLM) members include network advertisers, industry associates, and homeowners. This is a superb resource that is of great value to the MLM community.

Access to the information is free. This is a genuine, trustworthy, thorough networker for Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). Additionally, it offers new marketing tools that are free of charge. 

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to take a look at our latest reference guides on how to rank higher in Google, while also discovering the basic steps on how to start a celebrity gossip blog.

It is admired and popular among webmasters that WickedFire exists. You can get real-time suggestions in real-time and niche-specific knowledge. WickedFire is a forum specifically for affiliate marketers and bloggers. While WarriorForum sells products, Digital Point does not. 

Multi-Level Marketing Forum.

Warrior Forum, tagged with Network Marketing.

Warrior Forum, tagged with MLM, Multi-Level Marketing.


I’ll wait and see if I get a reply from them.  Sent them a message on Saturday, September 4, 2021.  I’ve been trying to get the thumbnail image displayed on my phone with each Blogger post to Facebook.  This page requires that I change the code; not my favorite thing to do, unless it’s easy.  This page might even be better but again the s0lutions are convoluted.


For Affiliate Marketing, they recommend this site, GetResponse.  It’s free to sign up.