Press Releases

See Robert Bly’s samples.  

The Communication Workshop.

Anatomy of a Press Release.   

Another Anatomy of a Press Release.  

This guide isn’t terrible.  

This wasn’t bad either.  

A press release announces important and/or interesting new work. At a minimum, it must include the researchers’ names, titles, and affiliations; a clear statement early on of what the work shows and why it is important; where results are being published with citation information; and how a journalist can contact a source. The PIO who typically writes the release then runs interference, fielding questions, supplying photos, perhaps coordinating a press conference, and setting up interviews between journalists who take the bait and the otherwise hard-to-reach researchers.

A terrific press release includes background and context, quotes from the researchers, and perhaps comments from other experts, all fair game for print or broadcast journalists to use. A mediocre press release might lapse into hype mode, extolling a “breakthrough” that will simultaneously cure baldness, yeast infections, African sleeping sickness, and global warming–and allow you to clone yourself . . . .

Bob Bly does offer critiquing services

Well, this may be the best thing from Nick Usborne that I’ve seen or heard.  I shouldn’t be so harsh, it’s just that what I have heard and read I was not inspired.  But here, right here, Nick offers a product by Marcia Yudkin on writing press releases.  I like Marcia.

Find her YouTube channel here.  I first found her site at Bill Myers’ site.

Here is a list of Marcia’s articles.  She is prolific.

Here she covers the basics of a News Release?  Is that the same as a Press Release?

This was just fantastic.

If you’re stressed out, you’re less persuasive.  75% of people said they could pretend to be an extrovert if something important was at stake.  To go that route on a consistent basis has an enormous cost.  It’s stressful.  At 8:42, she says “We’re less persuasive when we’re pretending.”  And it doesn’t change our visceral reactions.   Many introverts have told her, “I’d rather die than make cold calls.”  Some well-meaning people make the problem worse.  “Grow up,” they say.  “Life isn’t meant to be comfortable.”  Or, “Calling yourself an introvert is just an excuse for being a wimp.”  Or, “You know, you can learn to overcome being an introvert.  There are pills you can take.”  (Laughter)  “Try anti-anxiety medication; it will help you.”  Or, “Marcia, you can go to charm school and learn to make small talk with a smile.”  Or, “Feel the fear, and do it anyway.”  At the 10:07 mark, Marcia says, “It’s not fear that introverts feel; it’s revulsion.”  That makes sense.  Revulsion to what?  “It’s revulsion against a way of treating other people the way that we don’t want to be treated.”  Makes sense.  “It’s revulsion against marketing who we feel we are and who we want to be in the world.”  Conventional marketing advice says that “When we’re in business, we must meet customers’ expectations.  Now that sounds reasonable.  The problem is that sometimes we have a narrow, stereotypical, and mistaken idea of what those expectations are.  

This is Marcia’s Freelance Copywriter Top 10 Ways to Get Your Copywriting Business Off the Ground.   And here is Marcia’s “Marketing Minute.” 

The Professional Research Library


BNI, Business Network International

Here, Marcia recommends buying two of her books in preparation for the course. 

Before beginning the training program, you need to have read two of my books, 6 Steps to Free Publicity and Persuading on Paper. They’re available from all online bookstores, and you can also order both books from me directly.

The books are now in my possession as of Monday, May 20, 2019.   Marcia offers a wonderful self-study course no “Becoming a Marketing Consultant” for $500. 

Master the techniques that, minute for minute, earn you more when 

applied than just about any other skill – whether you’re aiming at improving your own marketing materials or clients’.  In a home-study format, Six Weeks to Masterful Copywriting provides a foundation in the basic principles of copywriting and gives you assignments to practice on, then compare your work with mine and that of other students.  Copywriting course details.