RFK Assassination, June 5, 1968 [Died June 6th]

Martin Luther King, Jr., aka, Michael King, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee at the Lorraine Hotel on April 4, 1968. Robert F. Kennedy gave a speech paying tribute to King.  Here is the speech in full; you can also find it in the notes of the video below.

Though I haven’t seen many, I think the best video documentary of Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination was done by Irishman, Shane O’Sullivan, titled RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kenney, 2007.  Find a preview of it here.  The title of the documentary, RFK Must Die, comes from phrases scribbled out in a notebook that was purported to be that of Sirhan’s own hand.  My take?  It was a CIA plant, like so many of these manifestos that follow mass shootings.  

In her exhaustive new examination of the case, A Lie Too Big To Fail, Lisa Pease [ 2018] puts it succinctly at the conclusion of her unraveling of the official lies that have mesmerized the public:

The assassination of the top four leaders of the political left in the five year period – President John Kennedy in 1963, Malcolm X in 1965, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968 – represented nothing less than a slow-motion coup on the political scene.

Edward Curtin cites another remark of Pease’s, which I think gets glossed over too often,

But the way the CIA took over America in the 1960s is the story of our time,” writes Pease, “and too few recognize this.  We can’t fix a problem we can’t even acknowledge exists.”  Nothing could be truer.

Curtain again

While no such video evidence has surfaced in the RFK case, the LAPD made sure that no photographic evidence contradicting the official lies would be seen.  As Lisa Pease writes:

Less than two months after the assassination, the LAPD took the extraordinary step of burning some 2,400 photos from the case in Los Angeles County General’s medical waste incinerator.  Why destroy thousands of photos in an incinerator if there was nothing to hide?  The LAPD kepthundreds of innocuous crowd scene photos that showed no girl in a polka dot dress or no suspicious activities or individuals.  Why were those photos preserved?  Perhaps because those photos had nothing in them that warranted their destruction.

So who shot Robert F. Kennedy and to who’s benefit?  Thane Eugene Caesar.  

When Bobby Kennedy was entering the kitchen pantry, he was escorted by a security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar, a man long suspected of being the assassin.  Cesar was carrying a gun that he drew but denied firing, despite witnesses’ claims to the contrary. Conveniently, the police never examined the gun.  He has long been suspected of being CIA affiliated, and now Pease says she has found evidence to confirm that.  She writes, “It’s hard to overstate the significance of finding a current or future CIA contract agent holding Kennedy’s right arm at the moment of the shooting.”

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and ‘The Polka-Dot File.’  A review of Fernando Faura’s The polka-Dot File; On the Robert F. Kennedy Killing, Edward Curtin, July 16, 2016.

1.  The Polka-Dot Dress, a review of Fernando Faura’s The Polka-Dot File: on the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination, Edwin Curtin, Global Research, July 16, 2016.

Traces of LBJ’s Involvement in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Assassination, Phillip F. Nelson, August 28, 2019.  I did not know that Robert F. Kennedy had considered asking MLK, Jr. to be his running mate.  Interesting.

Though not stated by Dr. Pepper, rumors also abounded that Kennedy might have been considering asking King to become his nominee for the vice presidency of the United States if he won the nomination at the Chicago convention. The very idea of that possibility must have kept Johnson up at night before he made his stunning announcement on March 31, 1968, that he would not run for reelection.  Dr. Pepper – having devoted over forty years into investigating, researching, and documenting the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. – eventually came to the conclusion that Johnson’s decision to withdraw from the 1968 presidential election was indeed related to the plot to murder King.[5]

Within four days of Johnson’s announcement —April 4, 1968 — that part of it would no longer be a worry, and two months after that, by June 6, 1968, President Johnson would be able to sleep well again, no longer worried about Robert Kennedy’s presidential aspirations.

David Martin writes that

In fact, Bobby Kennedy’s behavior in the wake of his brother’s assassination was very much like that of the title character in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.  One can easily make the case that he was just biding his time until he could set things aright by attaining the presidency when the opportunity arose.  He was still young.  We explore that question to a degree in our 2014 article, “Did Lyndon Step Down So Bobby Could Be Killed?

LBJ, 1908-1973

Did Lyndon Step Down So Bobby Could Be Killed, by DC Dave or David Martin, who writes

Now reflect for a minute on the implications of the primary thesis of those five books on the JFK assassination.  What it means is that there was a coup d’état whose purpose was as much to install Lyndon Johnson and the policies that he represented in the presidency as it was to remove John Kennedy and the policies he represented from the office.  A Robert Kennedy presidency would have constituted an undoing of that coup.  Worse yet, it would have seriously endangered the very powerful people who had carried it out.

It could not be permitted.  Robert Kennedy had to be stopped, and the only way to do it with finality was the same way that his brother had been stopped.

But how would it have looked, no matter how hard the government and the press sold the notion that it was just the work of another lone, crazed gunman, for another Johnson rival for power to be removed by assassination?  It might have been out of the question at the time for anyone to state publicly any suspicions about LBJs guilt in the JFK murder, the reality was that it was in the back of almost everyone’s mind.  This latest outrage would have surely brought it to the front. Whether it was Johnson’s decision or he was made an offer that he could not refuse by his handlers, he had to disavow any further interest in retention of power so that the serious threat that RFK represented could be removed.  Put bluntly, for the November 22, 1963, coup to stick, keeping Bobby out—permanently—trumped keeping Lyndon in for another four years.

As it happens, there were some people in the RFK camp who could already see which way the wind was blowing.  The following quote is from Sons and Brothers: The Life and Times of Jack and Bobby Kennedy by Richard D. Mahoney:

…some around Bobby began to talk openly about the inevitable. French novelist Romain Gary, then living in Los Angeles, told Pierre Salinger, “Your candidate is going to get killed.” When Jimmy Breslin asked several reporters around a table whether they thought Bobby had the stuff to go all the way, John J. Lindsay replied, “Yes, of course, he has the stuff to go all the way, but he’s not going to go all the way. The reason is that somebody is going to shoot him. I know it and you know it, just as sure as we’re sitting here. He’s out there waiting for him.”

The only thing wrong with Lindsay’s prediction, as it turned out, was that it was not a “he” but a “they,” the official story notwithstanding.

To anyone inclined to offer the objection that the RFK murder, unlike that of his brother, was, indeed, the work of one man, I would call his attention to my 2001 essay “JFK and RFK, a Tale of Two Assassinations.”  The case for conspiracy in Bobby’s June 5, 1968, murder is at least as strong as in that of his brother.  The main reason why people might think otherwise is that the facts of the case have received so much less publicity.

My 2001 article on the two Kennedy assassinations concludes with this paragraph:

Like the relative silence about President Lyndon Johnson’s personal and political corruption compared to what we hear about Presidents Kennedy, Nixon, and Clinton, the relative silence about Robert Kennedy’s murder, I believe, is telling. Explaining either would carry us a long way toward understanding how, by whom, and toward what end we are currently ruled.

The relative silence with respect to LBJ has now been resoundingly broken by the recent spate of books on the subject (though certainly not as far as the mainstream press is concerned).  We may anticipate that Nelson’s forthcoming book LBJ: From Mastermind to “The Colossus” will carry us further down the road toward unraveling the mystery of what it all means.


1.  Mutual Contempt: Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the Feud that Defined a Decade, Jeff Shesol, 1998.

RFK: A Candid Biography of Robert F. Kennedy, C. David Heymann, 1998.

Thanks to Mark Grubert.


From Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert @ America’s Untold Stories.

Eric Hunley. Wednesday, February 9, 2022.  RFK was a mad-dog prosecutor who went after family friends.  He prosecuted family judges that they knew. He made a lot of enemies, and one of them was LBJ himself.  LBJ and him had a feud that went back to the 1950s when LBJ made disparaging remarks about his father being a supporter of Hitler.  It goes back to the 1960 Demicratic Party Convention here in LA when JFK offers, as a mere formality, the Vice Presidency to LBJ who accepts.  RFK goes to LBJ’s room and says “What the hell are you doing accepting the VP offer?  My brother does not want you as his Vice President.  The unions hate your guts, the liberals hate your guts, the Northerners hate your guts. You’re a Southern cracker, and I want you to come out publicly and not accept the offer as Vice President.”  And LBJ said, “You can kiss my ass, buddy,” and he slams the door on his face, and Bobby Kennedy goes back upstairs to John’s room to talk about the dilemma they were in, as recorded by Evelyn Lincoln who was JFK’s secretary who witnessed the entire event.  The night before, Hoover sent two of his men to JFK’s suite to show him photos of JFK with various women, including Judith Campbell Exner who was girlfriend to Sam Giancana.  LBJ was privy to that because he and Hoover were best friends.  And LBJ was ushered into the Vice Presidential slot by his actions of showing JFK the photos of women whom he was having affairs with. This was not unintentional.  The night before, he goes and offers the job to LBJ.  Booby is not a cool head like his brother.  He’s a hothead.

LBJ and Hoover were best friends, and after LBJ showed photos of JFK with other women, specifically with

This was one of the better connect-the-dots [no pun intended to the lady in the polka-dot dress] overviews of those involved in RFK’s assassination. The first time that I’d heard that Thane Eugene Caesar was spotted by eye-witnesses talking with the lady in the polka dot dress after the shooting.  Also, the first time that I’d heard that the mob or mafia, specifically Jimmy Hoffa, probably worked with the CIA to take out RFK because as Attorney General was harassing Hoffa.  Excellent must-listen overview by Chase Hughes. And he rewards the viewer with a few free programs at the end.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

21:26. Anthony Gaile has been doing hypnosis probably as long as I’ve been alive, and I want you to hear what he has to say on this topic.  So, Anthony, thanks for taking my call.  I’ve already told everybody that you’re one of my mentors. I wanted to get your opinion on this but first I want to just conceptualize for everyone watching here what is hypnosis?

21:58.  I have over the years come to the conclusion that what we are calling hypnosis is actually a separate steady state.  There’s a debate going on in science now is it fluctuating or variable status is a steady state.  I’m convinced it is a steady state when you are in it, that people flip back and forth, that normal consciousness is different qualitatively than what we call hypnosis.  Now they are very similar states there is not that much difference but there are some differences.  Hypnosis is characterized by two things: a lower level of control and less inhibition.  I believe there is a neurological switch that flips these back and forth.  You can notice it just by talking to people.  If you ask them a question, to spell a complicated word, or remember a distant memory, they’ll go into that state for a moment and then they come back.  If someone’s daydreaming, and you call them they kind of snap out of it.  I think these states compete with each other.  And the theory is predicated on what’s called Mutual Inhibition.  So I think hypnosis is a state that is separate and distinct from normal consciousness that has certain very similar but has subtle differences that lead it to what we call hypnosis.  People would tend to respond more and more powerfully to verbal suggestions.  They have a lower level of control, less inhibition, and you can tell a person who’s not hypnotized to sing a song.  Ask them to sing, and they’ll say, “I can’t sing.”  Hypnotize them and say you’re a Madonna or something, and they’ll jump up and it may sound terrible but they’ll be singing their heart out after there’s no inhibition. Clearly there’s a lower level of control.  Folks who smoke for 20 years and have tried everything, they cannot stop, they are out of control of that habit; that habit essentially has control.  And yet some of these people can go through hypnosis to this lower level of control, be suggested that they are in control of their smoking habit and many of them come out as non-smokers.  So the two overriding characteristics of that other state I believe can be identified as: less inhibition and a lower level of control, but not necessarily a huge amount.

24:22. Can a person be hypnotized against their will?

24:26. Depends on how you define that.  The standard statement that hypnotists have been saying for as long as I’ve been around is that nobody will ever do anything in hypnosis that they would not ordinarily do that’s the catch-all phrase.  And strangely enough that’s true.  You can take the best hypnotic subject and tell them to do something against their will or antisocial, go take your clothes off in front of 500 people, whatever, the subject will either employ trans logic, “I don’t feel like it,” “I’m just not into it,” or they will flat out snap out of it and refuse.  A direct suggestion almost always fails however you have a lower level of control and to a degree you can control their perception you can, if it is a very good subject, convince them that they’re not in front of 500 people, that they’re standing in front of a shower, and it’s been a hot day; they’ve been working all day long, they’re hot and sweaty, take a shower.  Now is it against someone’s will to take their clothes off to take a shower?  No.  But if they happen to be doing it in front of 500 people, the question is did they do something against their will?  The hypnotist, to a degree, can control certain variables.  You can have people smell things that aren’t there, see things (negative, positive, hallucinations), remember things, hear things, not remember things, you have things you can manipulate.  So the old adage “you’ll never do anything you wouldn’t ordinarily do,” you can get away with that.  What they don’t say is that with a percentage of subjects that are extremely hypnotizable, if you’ve had repeated sessions, if they trust the hypnotist, if they do not perceive the suggestion or something antisocial or immoral, they’ll do it.

26:07. So, do you think in this case of Sirhan Sirhan, or in a similar case, that a person could be made to view themselves in a certain situation as “I’m at a firing range.  I’m not in this group of people, and I’m shooting at a paper target,” or something similar.

26:24. Absolutely.  I think the government answered that question back in the early ’70s and 60s. Just looking everyday life during the Vietnam War, we were routinely taking 18, 19, 20-year-olds who had never had a gun in their hand in their life and then six months later they are out some of them committing atrocities, doing things that they would have never dreamed they were capable of doing.  So, yes, if you can control the environment, cults are another example of people, you know, mass suicides and things you see . . . yeah, if you’ve got control of certain variables, most of us would do almost anything.

27:04. I completely agree with that.  If you have a good subject and good contexts, a lot can be accomplished.  I was reading the works of Dr George Estabrooks, and he said he’s been doing this since the late 50s and his plan to J Edgar Hoover was to hypnotize a German submarine captain and make him go back to Germany and torpedo the entire Harbor of ships, which I thought was fascinating.  What is your opinion on can someone with a lot of skill create something like a Manchurian Candidate, another identity that can take on a different role and even then having a different identity means that that person has a different moral compass where something is excusable and some things aren’t?  Do you think that’s possible to program another identity?

28:06. Theoretically possible.  I’ve never seen it myself.  I’ve never done it myself.  I have read the literature.  I have hypnotized thousands of people and I absolutely see the potential for that happening, although I’ve not ever done it myself, so I can’t say that I’ve done it, or I know that I that it can be done; however, the literature is quite clear.

28:25. Yeah that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to talk to you.  My book is I think still the number one best seller in hypnotherapy, but you’ve definitely hypnotized more people than probably anyone in the world.  What do you think how long it would take for somebody who’s a real expert to create something like a Manchurian Candidate or even simulated?


Sirhan Sirhan was a patsy.

Sirhan Sirhan paroled August 27, 2021.

New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI, and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK from Ever Reaching the White House,” Jeremy Kuzmarov, Covert Action Magazine, September 1, 2021.  Excellent article with terrific linked resources.  Thank you very much to the great Lew Rockwell. Posted September 3, 2021.

The Second Gun,

Karl Uecker‘s [1946-2021] testimony at the 21:38 mark is compelling.  At the 134:30 mark, you’ll see a woman walking into a shop called Lock, Stock, ‘n’ Barrel.  It looked like it could have been in that strip mall behind the old Boat at Rosemead and Huntington,.  Turns out that the Lock, Stock, ‘n’ Barrel was located in Rosemead in that series of quaint stores behind the old Boat on Rosemead Blvd.  An online page located the store in Temple City at 5928 Temple City BlvdTemple City, CA 91780, but that’s just north of Las Tunas Blvd.  You can see in the video that the stores are recessed in a parking lot and not in a row of stores along the boulevard.

6 persons were shot at the old Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles at just after midnight on June 5th, 1968.

The LA District Attorney in 1970 was Joseph P. Busch, Jr.  He was the chief prosecutor of Sirhan Sirhan’s murder trial.  “Was chief prosecutor of Sirhan Sirhan; recently been under growing pressure to reveal details of the case against Sirhan, including a demand to permit ballistics tests of Sirhan’s pistol.”

He lived in West Covina and died in 1975 at the age of 49.  He drew the attention of the press when he refused pleas from former, Representative Allard K. Lowenstein to refire the gun Sirhan B. Sirhan used to kill Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Dr. Thomas Noguchi.

David Talbot explains that Robert Maheu also needed to be questioned,

The private security at the hotel that evening was under the control of CIA contractor Robert Maheu — a Kennedy hater who was hired by the CIA to arrange for the Mafia assassination of Fidel Castro. The now deceased Maheu, whom I interviewed for my 2007 book “Brothers,” must be considered a central figure in the RFK assassination — along with Thane Eugene Cesar, the security guard who escorted RFK into the hotel pantry kill zone. (RFK Jr. was in negotiations to speak with Cesar, whom he believes was his father’s assassin. But Cesar was seeking a big payday for the interview, and he reportedly died in the Philippines in 2019.)

To Seek a Newer World, Robert F. Kennedy, 1967.