
Lila Rajiva.  And here is Lila Rajiva’s website, The Mind-Body Politic.  Her last post was in March, 2021.

1. Best Analysis of the Boeing 737 MAX from a pilot and Software Engineer, Zero Hedge, March 18, 2019.

for Fun

Beautifully and comically written Obituary.

1.  80,000 Americans Die Each Year Due to Alcohol.
2.  Immigration to the U.S. will force greater gun control.
3.  Gun Control and the Holocaust, Richard Ebling, Oct. 27, 2015.
4.  Gun crime down, gun purchases up.  Way up.  July 9, 2016.
5.  Gun Control and Genocide, Gary North, 2005.
6. Car-jackings Used to be a lot more common.  Today we have more armed citizens.  That’s good.  Thursday, July 12, 2018..  
7.  How Heller Botched the 2nd Amendment.

1.  Citizen Journalism.
2.  April Gallop interview. Nov. 7, 2012.  More from April Gallop.
3.  Barbara Honegger presentation,

Barbar Honegger: Exposing the Deep State.  In this video, researcher Barbara Honegger will present the compelling evidence for why: 1) The Pentagon attack is the central attack of 9/11, without which there could not have been a ‘War’ on Terror; 2) The Real Story of 9/11 is pre-placed explosives at both the WTC and the Pentagon; 3) The Pentagon attack, like the WTC attacks, cannot have been executed by any foreign terrorists; 4) The Official Conspiracy Theory Lie of who attacked this country on 9/11 has been for 15 years and still is, the ‘legal’ pretext for all U.S. invasions, occupations and deadly attacks in the M.E. and N. Africa. Concerning 911, Barbara’s authoritative work is “Behind the Smoke Curtain: What Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters.

Barbara Honegger worked as a researcher at the Hoover Institution before joining the Ronald Reagan administration as a researcher and policy analyst in 1980. She was the Director of the Attorney General’s Anti-Discrimination Law Review at the Department of Justice. After leaving Washington, she became the Senior Military Affairs Journalist for the Naval Postgraduate School.

While working for Reagan she discovered information that convinced her that George H. W. Bush and William Casey had conspired to make sure that Iran did not release the U.S. hostages until Jimmy Carter had been defeated in the 1980 presidential election.

In 1987 Honegger began leaking information to journalists about the Reagan administration. However, it was not until Reagan left office that Honegger published October Surprise (1989). In her book, Honegger claimed that in 1980 William Casey and other representatives of the Reagan presidential campaign made a deal at two sets of meetings in July and August at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid with Iranians to delay the release of Americans held hostage in Iran until after the November 1980 presidential elections. Reagan’s aides promised that they would get a better deal if they waited until Carter was defeated.

In the years since October Surprise was published other sources such as Ari Ben-Menashe, an Iranian-born Israeli businessman, security consultant and author, who was previously an employee of Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate from 1977 to 1987 and an arms dealer; premier investigative journalist Robert Parry, who has authored numerous books and articles on the October Surprise; and Gary Sick, who served on the staff of the National Security Council under President Carter, have come forward to confirm Honegger’s story. Sick is the author of a book also entitled October Surprise. He was the principal White House aide for Persian Gulf affairs from 1976 to 1981, a period which included the Iranian revolution and the hostage crisis. After leaving government service, Sick served as Deputy Director for International Affairs at the Ford Foundation from 1982 to 1987, and is the executive director of the Gulf/2000 Project at Columbia University (1993–present), which has published five books and numbers many of the leading scholars on the Persian Gulf among its global membership. He is an adjunct professor of International Affairs and a senior research scholar at Columbia’s School of International & Public Affairs, where he has been voted one of the top professors. He is the emeritus member of the board of directors of Human Rights Watch and serves as founding chair of the Advisory Committee of Human Rights Watch/Middle East.

4.  James Corbett: 9/11, The Truth in 5 Minutes.
5.  John Judge, Conversations on 9/11, Oct. 9, 2010.
6.  Richard Gage, WTC Collapse, 1/3, May 8, 2008.
7.  Assault on Our Freedoms: PATRIOT Act, Judge Napolitano, Dec. 16, 2005.
8.  Pentagon FlyOver, Rosevelt Roberts, “Plane flew over the Pentagon,” Jan. 4, 2010.
9.  Anatomy of a Great Deception.
10.  Compensation for victims’ families.
11.  9/14 Change Everything, Sept. 14, 2017, Gene Healy, Cato at Liberty
12.  9/11: Israel Did It

1.  from Gary North on what will happen as private colleges begin to lose their funding. 

1.  My Amazon Seller’s Account.
2.  Amazon Merch Account: Sell T-Shirts.
3.  Threadless: A T-Shirt Design Company Where Independent Artists Contribute Pre-Designed T-Shirts.
4.  Amazon Sponsored Ads to Promote Merch Account.
5.  Zappable App for
6.  How I Earned $10,000 in Two Months Selling Toys on Amazon.
7.  Best Sellers in Sports and Outdoors.
8.  Amazon and the Future of Retail, Christian Sarkar, The Marketing Journal, February 9, 2016

1.  History of Artificial Intelligence, Gary North, December 9, 2015.

1.  “The Birth Rate Myth,” 5/26/2015.

1.  Why I Shifted from AWeber to InsufionSoft to ConvertKit
2.  Writing Headlines with Headline Pro.
3.  Best Way to Land Your First Paying Social Media Client, Nick Usborne, October 2015.
4.  Bob Bly Newsletter.
5.  Atkins Website Marketing Programs That Grows Website & Visitors.
6.  Writing White Papers @ AWAI.
7.  How to Run a PR Campaign.
8.  Robert Collier Letter Books
9.  Site Audit Checklist.
10. How to Write Great Email, Geoffrey James, Inc. Magazine, December 13, 2015.
11.  Critique of Landing Pages.  7 More critiques.

1. “Beware Buying at Car Auctions,” Jerry Reynolds, February 26, 2016.

1.  Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream, Joan Didion, 1967.
2.  The Great California Exodus, Tom Gray, September 2012.
3.  California and the End of White America, Ron Unz, 1999.

1.  Gary North reviews an anti-capitalist.
2.  Inheritance and Dominion, Gary North,
3.  A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence, Gary Becker, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1983.
4.  Uygar Aktan, 12/30/2017.

Progress, in short, is synonymous with the continued triumph of capitalism. And this is where we come to the crux of the matter. Because except for a few wannabe bonobos, most of the new puritans would shriek in horror and quickly retreat to the concrete comforts of the city if they ever got near some jungle they wished to save. So when they rail against so-called “consumer society” what they’re really doing is launching a sneak attack against capitalism, and by extension, civilization itself. The problem is they’ve already lost that ideological battle in the last century. Their collectivist “solutions” to alleviate poverty only made things worse so now they heap scorn on individuals who have escaped poverty by seizing the opportunities of the free market and try to guilt trip them out of enjoying their wealth (as well as anyone else who might be seduced into striving to do the same). Instead of rehashing discredited Marxist dogmas they try to scare us all into becoming green monks as the only way to avoid the wrath of Gaia. Their apocalyptic fantasies of destroying capitalism in a revolutionary rapture never came to pass so now they are predicting (or secretly wishing for)  its demise through environmental collapse. Incidentally, the striking parallels between the new puritan sounding the alarm that rising sea levels will envelop coastal areas due to anthropogenic climate change and the warning of the old puritans that Biblical floods will sweep away societies who have sinned is so unmistakable that the fusion of the two seems to have spawned a whole new genre of its own in Hollywood.

CHARITY . . . or is it?
1.  Alcoholics as master guilt manipulators.

1. CIA & Secret Gov’t, Edward Curtin on David Talbot’s book on Allen Dulles, 2015.  Talbot’s book is titled The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, 2015.2.
3.  Fighting the Spy State, Luis Almeida, October 1, 2015.
4.  100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation, Clint Emerson, 2015.
5. This confession made the alternative media circuit in the spring and summer of 2015. It is quite revelatory.


This is awful. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the CIA controls German media, has been found dead. He was 56.

6.  The “Russia Shaped American Elections” is push-back from the CIA after Trump appoints so many anti-CIA, military men.  Great assessment from Target Liberty.  Had no idea that the Electors of the individual states can recast their vote on December 19.  So the president isn’t confirmed until this date or even later on Inauguration Day of January 20. Quite an involved process.
7.  Flynn’s son explains what Flynn’s plans are regarding the CIA.  He’s trying to consolidate intelligence and not obliterate a competing agency.
8.  The Russian Spy Who Wasn’t, James Bamford, New Republic, February 11, 2019.  Thanks to William L. Anderson.
9.  Adam Lowther, a Navy veteran, and nuclear deterrence expert, lost his job and spent $300,000 fighting the allegations.  Article by Robby Soave at Reason.  Thanks to Bill Anderson.  


1.  Skill Mastery in 5 steps.  

1.  Stan Evans and Conservatism Activism, Gary North, March 5, 2015.
2.  Libertarianism, Conservativism, and All That, Jude Blanchette, 2004.
3.  National Review and the Triumph of the Right, Murray Rothbard, from his fantastic book Betrayal of the American Right,
4.  A remarkable essay by Charles Burris on neoconservative George Will’s lamenting the absence of William F. Buckley, the neoconservatives who were huge supporters of the New Deal and FDR.  Posted on Saturday, June 3, 2017.
5.  The Conservative Mind of Russell Kirk, Lee Edwards, The Heritage Foundation, 2014.
6.  Samuel Johnson by Theodore Dalrymple, Taki Magazine, July 22, 2017.

1.  Gary North on the Round Table Network, July 23, 2016.

1. No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, Lysander Spooner, 1808-1887.
2. Eminent Domain by Ilana Mercer,
3.  “Did the Constitution Betray the Revolution?” Jeffrey Rogers Hummels, January 1, 1981.
4.  Gary North on how to teach constitutions.  Do not teach THE U.S. Constitution but teach constitutions plural, thereby putting the U.S. Constitution in a historical and comparative context.  He says “Teach it on American constitutions, from the Mayflower “Compact” to the present Supreme Court. Show how the Court stole the 1788 version, beginning with Marshall.”  He points to Gordon S. Woods’ The Idea of America, 2012, chapter 4 specifically.  Here is the link to Dr. North’s comments.  Here is Dr. North’s Plymouth series.
5.  Bill of Rights of the U.S.
6.  Patrick Henry Smells a Rat, Paul Aron, Spring 2017

1.  Bill Anderson’s “Coming Corporate Crime Wave,” September 30, 2015.
2.  The Nature of the Firm, Ronald H. Coase, 1937.

1. “The Next Recession and the Work Ethics,” Gary North, February 23, 2018

But all around the West, the good times that have prevailed since 1946 have produced new generations that are not imbued with the work ethic that Western civilization had prior to World War II and immediately after the war. I’m not sure when the change came, but certainly in the second half of the 1960’s, we began to see it in articles about the youth culture. Remember, however, that the youth culture or counterculture was limited. It was not representative of the vast majority of American young adults. The vast majority of American young men went to work or college after high school. But most of them wanted to stay out of the Vietnam War after 1967. So, they shared the anti-war outlook of the hippie, counterculture activists.

The best description of the post-1970 activists can be found in David Brooks’ book, BoBos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There (2000). Bobos are the people who have combined the Bohemian mindset with the bourgeois mindset. This reflects what in retrospect has become known as the “me decade” of the 1970’s. (The phrase was coined by Tom Wolfe.) That shift fundamentally changed American culture and Western culture. The social disruptions between 1970 and 1980 changed Western society. New attitudes towards wealth became dominant. New attitudes towards work also became dominant. The Puritan work ethic got bad press after 1970. That bad press, when coupled with Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society welfare programs, led to the undermining of the older work ethic in the lower middle class white culture. The best book on this is Charles Murray’s Coming Apart (2012).


1. Dumbing Down the Courts: How Politics Keeps the Smartest Judges Off the Bench, John R. Lott, Jr.
2. Acquittal: An Insider Reveals the Stories and Strategies Behind Today’s Most Infamous Verdicts, Richard Gabriel.
3.  The Courts and the New Deal,” William Anderson, 2005.
4. Licensed to Lie, Sidney Powell, 2014.
5. Trial Testimony: How to Be an Effective Witness.
6.  Prosecutors Mass Incarceration, German Lopez, September 8, 2015.
7.  The Negro Removal Act, William Anderson, September 15, 2015.
8.  Injustice of Plea-Bargaining System, Lucian E. Dervan, December 4, 2015.
9.  Glenn Greenwald on the Democrats Working to Crush Due Process, The Intercept, June 21, 2016.
10.  “Why Prosecutors Rule the Justice System–and How to Fix It,”, September 8, 2017.  Facebook comments by William Anderson, dated April 4th, 2019

I’ll tell you how to “fix” it.  First, end all immunity for police and prosecutors, all of it.  Second, when there is a wrongful conviction, the police and prosecutors that played a role in that conviction should immediately receive the sentence given to the falsely accused person.  Third, all payments to those wrongly convicted should come directly from the police and prosecutor pension funds and from the personal wealth of cops and prosecutors.  Go after their homes, their savings, their retirement, everything.  If that means the cops and prosecutors and their families have to live in the streets, so be it.  Hey, they can check into the jail and get “free” food and lodging.


1.  18-Year Old bludgeons 72-year old, Great Grandfather with an Aluminum bat, Orange County Register, February 11, 2016.
2.  “Violent Crime Rate Is at a 40-Year Low: Why Is the U.S. spending $100 billion a Year on Police?“, Noel Brinkerhoff & David Wallechinsky, Friday, May 25, 2012.

1.  On Dealing with Giants and Pygmies, Gary North, March 31, 2016.  An excerpt, a delicious tidbit:

In keeping with the military analogy, let me identify a serious player: Col. Billy Mitchell, U.S. Army Air Corps.

The popular Colonel Mitchell was facing a court-martial for his controversial remarks to the press on September 5 [1925], blasting two military disasters: a bungled flight during which three Navy seaplanes failed to make it from the West Coast to Hawaii; and the crash of the Navy airship USS Shenandoah while flying over the Midwest on an ill-advised public relations tour. “These incidents are the direct result of the incompetency, criminal negligence and almost treasonable administration of the national defense by the Navy and War Departments,” Mitchell stated. “The bodies of my former companions in the air moulder under the soil in America, and Asia, Europe and Africa, many, yes a great many, sent there directly by official stupidity.”

He was convicted by the Army. He was removed from command.

Seventeen years later, in World War II, the Army Air Core named the B-25 bomber “the Mitchell.” He broke ranks. He lost his case but won the battle. He was an insider who was kicked out.
2.  How to Critique an author.  Advice for Budding Intellectuals: Don’t Waste Time Refuting Nonentities, Gary North, November 4, 2017.

1. “Gringo Lost in Cuba: Notes on the World’s Most Useless Embargo,” Fred Reed, December 2007.

Sex, Drugs, and Rolls Royce Guru.
For standard characteristics of cults, check out this interview by Tom Woods of Steve Deace and his book, Faucian Bargain.

1. “Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t,” Seth Lubove, Forbes, December 15, 1997.

DRUGS & Drug Casualties
1.  Interview With a Drug Casualty, Gavin McInnes, July 31, 2015.
2.  Drug War Is a Failure according to U. S. Surgeon General, Justin Gardner, ActivistPost, Jan. 2, 2016.


1.  The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence, Adam Grant, January 2, 2014, The Atlantic.

1.  “Put more simply, the inequality that horrifies self-proclaimed deep thinkers is the wondrous process whereby entrepreneurs turn the former luxuries of the rich into everyday items. To be blunt, a world without wealth inequality would be one marked by excessive deprivation.”…/bill-and-hillary-clinton-rob-inequ…/
2.  Rich Kids Use the Internet to Get Ahead and Poor Kids Use It Mindlessly, March 2015.
3.  HANDY.
4.  Glyn Williams, Top T-Shirt Seller, November 2015.  He used this platform, TeeSpring.
5.  100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur, James Altucher, April 2011.

1.  “Worst Environmental Calamity Is the Absence of Capitalism,” Don Bordeaux, December 3, 2015.
2.   Global Warming Fund a Slush Fund for Worlds’ Dictators,” Marian Tupy, Human Progress, February 16, 2016
3.   Best Environmental Directories.

1. Roger Stone on Bill Clinton, July 2016.

1.  Establishment support of a presidential candidate.

1.  for stupidity.
2.  for communism’s errors.
3.  Asshat Lenin.
4.  Thugs.
5.  Soldier to Copper.

1.  Must-read on families by Ilana Mercer, Christmas Day, Friday, 25, 2015.  See, too, the books by Allan C. Carlson, whom she mentions in the article.

1. Robert Mueller’s Deep State Past, March 26, 2018. 

Here are the details about the Deep State background of Robert Mueller, by William Jasper of the New American. He was rewarded for covering up for the Mafia-FBI connections in Boston by being named Director of the FBI. The Deep State always has to have one of their own in charge of federal law enforcement and surveillance agencies.

What was Robert Mueller’s role in the infamous “partnership” between the FBI and the Boston Mafia that involved multiple murders, racketeering, extortion, witness tampering, and much more? Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a media-crafted image as “Mr. Integrity,” a straight-shooting, non-partisan, nose-to-the-grindstone, publicity-shunning public servant….

In her blog post for March 20, investigative reporter Sarah Carter brings up nagging questions about Robert Mueller’s troubled history that refuse to go away — because they have never been answered. Entitled, “Questions Still Surround Robert Mueller’s Boston Past,” the article deals with Mueller’s involvement in what is usually referred to as “The Whitey Bulger Case” or “The FBI-Boston Mob Case,” one of the most sensational black eyes the FBI has ever suffered.

Here’s another that tells the other side of the coin—how people connected with the Deep State hierarchy are allowed to collude with either Russia or China without consequences, as Mark Levin writes:

The special counsel looking into collusion between President Trump and Russia has found nothing, yet a single reporter was able to uncover collusion between numerous public officials and China. John Kerry, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao, and their families got filthy rich through deals with companies backed by the Chinese government, and it was all uncovered by Peter Schweizer. Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, and Chris Heinz, Kerry’s stepson, made a fortune from special deals with the Chinese government while their fathers looked the other way as China got incredibly aggressive. The same people who attack Trump for alleged collusion with Russia were actually colluding with China.

Author Peter Schweizer reveals the details about this enrichment of Biden’s son and stepson here, and it involves allowing China to steal some nuclear secrets. And in this essential summary by Breitbart, Schweizer reveals the 5 secret dramatic revelations about the “secret empires” the Deep State builds under the cover of unofficial immunity. The title of the book says it all: Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.

1. How Biden’s Son’s Firm Scored a $1.5 Billion Deal with the Bank of China 10 Days After Joe Biden and His Son Flew to China Aboard Air Force Two [covered in the first link above]2. The China-Backed Investment Fund Invested in Dual-Use Military Technology

3. The Obama Justice Department Charged One of the Companies with Stealing U.S. Nuclear Secrets

4. Mitch McConnell and His Wife Elaine Chao Received a $5 Million to $25 Million Gift from a Family Member Who Sat on the Board of a Top Chinese Government Military Contractor

5. Mitch McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Sits on the Board of the Chinese Government’s Bank of China

The Scorsese movie, The Departed, 2006, produced by Brad Pritt and written by is about the Irish mob in South Boston, namely Whitely Bulger.

The film takes place in Boston. Irish Mob boss Francis “Frank” Costello (Jack Nicholson) plants Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) as a mole within the Massachusetts State Police; the two characters are loosely based on famous gangster Whitey Bulger and corrupt FBI agent John Connolly, who grew up with Bulger.[3][4] Simultaneously, the police assign undercover state trooper William “Billy” Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) to infiltrate Costello’s crew. When both sides realize the situation, Sullivan and Costigan each attempt to discover the other’s identity before they are found out.

No wonder that the film is so violent.  There was another movie, starring Johnny Depp, also about Whitey Bulger.  The 2015 movie, Black Mass, starring Johnny Depp as Whitey Bulger, is based on the 2001 novel, written by Mark Mallouk and Jez Butterworth, titled Black Mass: The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the FBI and the Irish Mob by Dick Lehr and Gerard O’Neill. 

2.  Jim Bovard on Ruby Ridge anniversary, August 22.

1.  James Comey, FBI Director, fired, May 2017.  But this action doesn’t seem particularly controversial.  Clinton fired FBI Director nominee, Jeff Sessions, the current U.S. Attorney General.  “In its 109-year history, only one F.B.I. Director had been fired — until Tuesday when President Trump fired James B. Comey. In July 1993, President Bill Clinton fired William S. Sessions, who had been nominated to the post by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. Mr. Clinton said his attorney general, Janet Reno, reviewed Mr. Sessions’s leadership and concluded: “in no uncertain terms that he can no longer effectively lead the bureau.”  Okay, so this is not the same thing as firing a standing FBI Director.  So there’s that.
2.  Do Not Speak to the Feds, William Anderson, February 12, 2018.

1.  The Truth About the Federal Reserve by Tom Woods, October 13, 2015.

2.  John Mauldin on the Financialization of the Economy, October 28, 2015.

1.  Foreign Policy Follies


2.  Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2018.  Trump appointed John Bolton to  National Security Advisor.  What does this position afford?  Does it give Bolton immediate and executive powers inside the White House or afford him some kind of privileged position on dictating foreign policy directives?  Wikipedia provides the opening details

The position is also referred to as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs or APNSA, commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor(NSA) or at times informally termed the NSC Advisor.  It is a senior aide in the Executive Office of the President, based at the West Wing of the White House, who serves as the chief in-house advisor to the President of the United States on national security issues. The National Security Advisor is appointed by the President and does not require confirmation by the Senate,[3] but an appointment of a three or four-star general to the role requires Senate reconfirmation of military rank. 

Okay, so Bolton does not have military rank.  He is a policy wonk, but a vital one to Neocon centers of power.  Since his appointment, conservatives and liberals have speculated on how terrifying Bolton’s appointment, and Trump’s judgment, is by extension.  We’ve heard horror story after horror story of Bolton’s vituperative venom toward middle east countries, particularly Iran.  What is it about Iran that all of D.C. wants it to be extinguished?  Did Iran outsmart the Feds?  I don’t know.  But since his appointment, there have been competing views.  One is Robert Wenzel’s indictment that Bolton essentially means that the U.S. is ready, if not to go to war, then at least to bomb one or two of a few countries: North Korea, Syrian, and or Iran.  What, are these guys the new Axis of Evil?  Wenzel made an excellent case that Bolton’s appointment was as close to a declaration of war that any move in Congress could come close to, all the while indicting the Libertarian heavies for their compromising support of Donald Trump.  And by “heavies,” I mean a Libertarian position that does not outright reject anything or anyone that violates the core principle of the NAP or non-Aggression Principle.  And as Wenzel made the point that Bolton is a warmonger on steroids, some Libertarians, like Michael S. Rozeff, argued that the Bolton appointment was merely a bargaining position for Trump, that Bolton was the “Bad Cop” to either Trump or someone else or some other national position being the “Good Cop.”  Gareth Porter provided detailed support for Wenzel’s position.  But then Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss argued that Bolton’s appointment was more of appeasement to Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas mogul billionaire.  But not just appeasement but also a strategic move to galvanize the Republican Party for the upcoming mid-term elections.  We shall see how this plays out. 


1.  TPP, an introduction.
2.  TPP, another perspective.
3.  U.S. Trade Policy in the Wake of Doha: Why Unilateral Liberalization Makes Sense (July 20, 2006)
4.  The Hayekian Explanation for Why We Beat Out Neanderthals (September 24, 2011)
5.  This is What Negotiated Trade Looks Like (July 1, 2016).

The End of Gangs,” Sam Quinones, Dec. 2014.  Sam Quinones is the author of two books of non-fiction growing out of 10 years he spent in Mexico: True Tales From Another Mexico and Antonio’s Gun and Delfino’s Dream: True Tales of Mexican Migration.  “The End of Gangs,” Sam Quinones, Dec. 2014.”

Trouble in Lakewood,” Joan Didion, 1993, July 26.  The New Yorker.  This was one of the best articles I’d read on gangs; nay, perhaps the first one I’d read on gangs.  It was about the Spur Posse gang in Lakewood, CA.  Didion had written other articles on California, one in particular that I liked was hers on San Bernardino, CA, titled “Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream.”  It was stunning in its flow and shocking in its brutal detail.

Overhyping ISIS.

1.  William Anderson on Gay Marriage, July 1, 2015.

1.  “Anatomy of the State,”Murray Rothbard, 1974.  In my estimation, this is the best article describing what the state is, what it wants, and how they position themselves vis-a-vis the population.  It will alter your view of any benevolence in government.
2.  Ron Paul on 1990 at the watershed year for US-led imperial powers.
3.  “10 Reasons Why Democracy Does Not Work,” 2015.
4.  Jacob Berlove is best at predicting decisions from SCOTUS.
5.  A Guide to CIA Interrogating Techniques.
6.  Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Top Cabinet member has lots of communists in her family, Judicial Watch, June 22, 2015.
Posted on Jan. 3, 2016:


7.  The United States Once Sterilized Tens of Thousands, Trevor Burrus, January 27, 2016.
8.  Bureaucracy, Ludwig von Mises, 1944.  Great essay that will leave you gaping, jaw-dropped, and wanting to learn more because no one knows anything about the structure under which they work.
9.  Doug Casey on President Hillary Clinton, WWIII, and the Deep State, July 27, 2016.
10.  Government ghouls among us.  Gina Haspel is a monster.  

11.  Paul Dorr.  And Copperhead Consulting.  


George Walker Bush, “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.”

“In Wilsonian terms, they claim to be waging the trade war to end all trade wars,” Robert Higgs, “The Delusion of a Win-Win Trade War,” Robert Higgs, Sunday, July 29, 2018. 

“The war to end war” (sometimes called “The War to end all wars”) was a term for the First World War of 1914-1918.  Originally idealistic, it is now used mainly sardonically.  The phrase is borrowed from the title of H.G. Well’s book published in 1914, called The War That Will End War.

1.  Harvey Weinstein Hired Mossad to Spy on His Victims?
2.  Donna Brazile is the Joe Valachi of the Clinton Crime Family, by Lionel Nation.

1.  “JAMA Admits that Chemo and Radiation Are Likely to Cause Death,” Thomas Corriher, Healthwyze, July 2010.
2.  Fred Reed on Marriage, March 22, 2015.
3.  Key to a Good-paying Job Is Microsoft Excel.
4.  Magnesium Chloride.
5.  Free Health Care in Cuba or the Horrors of?
6.  Baking Soda and Your Kidneys, Dr. Sircus, 2009.
7.  Solving the Thyroid Puzzle, Bill Sardi.  Zinc Reduces Thyroid Decline in Women Working at Computers, Bill Sardi.
8.  Longevinex restores dopamine-generating components inside the mitochondria.
9.  A cure for Alzheimer’s?  B1.
10.  Mind-bending drugs for psycho diets

1.  Bionic Mosquito.

1.  Thanksgiving Was Triumph of Capitalism, Richard Ebeling, 2016.
2.  Great Thanksgiving Hoax, Richard J. Marbury, 2016.
3.  Thanksgiving Is a Celebration of Free Enterprise, Judy Thommesen, 2016.
4.  How FDR Politicized Thanksgiving, Tho Bishop, 2016.
5.  What Really Happened at Plymouth, Murray Rothbard, excerpted from Chapter 18 of Conceived In Liberty, Volume I, now available as a free ebook (PDF).

1.  Constitutional Issues in Iran Deal, Tenth Amendment Center, Michael Ramsey, July 15, 2015.

1. Veteran’s Day: More American Casualties in Iraq by Suicide Than By Live Combat, Bruce Newman, November 10, 2015.
2.  Tom Woods Podcast with Peter Van Buren.  They discuss the State Department’s (in)competencies, the Afghan War, and other mishaps that lead to unnecessary, mass slaughter in a podcast titled Moral Injury: War’s Undiscussed Casualty

1. In 2014, Israel has killed more than any other state.
2. The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood, Rashid Khalidi, 2006.
3. Netanyahu’s bombing of Palestinians.


4.  Jeromy Hammond’s @ Foreign Policy Journal.
5.  Rafi Farber @ The Jewish Libertarian.
6.  Tom Woods provides the resources.
7.  “NSA [not NASA] Gave Israel Access to All US Citizens’ Communication Data, Leaked Document Shows,” Russia Insider, Saturday, June 1, 2019.
Ryan Dawson on Taking Bernie Sanders Out to the Woodshed.  This video was recently re-uploaded on February 19, 2019.  


“Jews earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans.”  Milton Himmelfarb.

“History is covenantal, not genetic. It is confessional, not biological. Any attempt to shift from the covenant to genetics is inherently pagan, ” Gary North.

Jews and the State, Gary North, September 19, 2017.

“The founder of modern Zionism, Moses Hess, was the man who brought Marx and Engels together in 1843. He believed in secular causes”  —Gary North.

1.  The Polka Dot Dress, a review of Fernando Faura’s The Polka-Dot File: on the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination, Edwin Curtin, Global Research, July 16, m2016.

1.  David Martin.

1.  Taki on Lost Languages, April 2015.

1.  Peru’s Mass Grave of Children Rises.
2.  1/3 of the World’s Murders Occur in Latin America.  
3.  Manana Forever: Mexico and the Mexicans, Jorge G. Castaneda, 2011.


See the Law & Courts Page.

1.  “Dismantling the State Through Opportunism,” Joseph T. Salerno, December 3, 2015.
2.  Hayek was no Libertarian; He Was a Conservative.  “F.A Hayek: Obamacare’s Defender,” Gary North, July 12, 2013.

1. America’s Most Deified Politician, Tom DiLorenzo, February 12, 2018.  

1.  Robert Heinlen

1.  Government Discrimination vs. Private Discrimination, Ryan McMaken, March 31, 2015.
2.  Murdoch Selling LA Times to Eli Broad, Margot Roosevelt, Nov. 27, 2015.
3.  El Monte history.  
4.  “Los Angeles is the confrontation with the void.”

1. 5 Myths About the Rich, Thomas Corely, Nov. 24, 2015.

These individuals made most of their wealth by investing in stocks in individual companies. Before they purchased any stock, they would pore over the financials of each potential investment looking for strengths and weaknesses. Then they would confer with a financial adviser to make sure their financial due diligence was correct.

They did their homework. And their homework did not end after they purchased a stock. They continued to monitor the financials of each company they invested in. If the financials got better, they invested more money. If the financials got worse, they sold their stock.

2.  Great little article on the dangers of a cashless society.  Most can figure out the fact that not only surveillance of your spending and buying habits would be available to the government, but if the gov’t ever wanted to seize or lock your accounts they would find some rationale to do that as well.  It’s a short, worthwhile read.
3.  To make money, one needs to be able to creatively turn $1 into $10.  Can you do this?  Great question.  

1.   Market Daily Briefing.

1.  Dan Kennedy and Jeff Slutsky.  Dan S. Kennedy is a strategic advisor, marketing consultant, and coach in Phoenix, Arizona. Jeff Slutsky is a New York-based marketer specializing in developing and implementing local store marketing programs for multi-unit operators.  They’re co-authors of No BS Grassroots Marketing (Entrepreneur Press, 2012).

1.  Jewish wedding.
2.  How to Find Eligible Women to Marry.

1.  Decentralization Hidden in the Dark Ages, Bionic Mosquito, Friday, February 22, 2013.

1.  Death of the Middle Class, Charles Hugh Smith, March 24, 2016.
2.  How to Escape the Purgatory of Minimum Wage, Charles Hugh Smith, March 16, 2016.

1.  Funny video by JP Sears on Millennials.

1.  I didn’t say it. Iraq war veteran Noah Pierce said it. He also said: “It sounds like you guys in the states are for the war. All the soldiers I know including me think it is a bunch of bullshit. We came in and invaded this country and murdered a lot of innocent people. So tell me how we are heroes.” Pierce won’t be saying anything else since he blew his brains out in 2007 after coming home from Iraq.

This article about Noah Pierce is old, from 2008, but is still worth reading. Nothing has changed: Soldiers who fight in unjust and immoral wars are not heroes—even American soldiers.

1.  Why No Government Would Eliminate Cash, Gary North.

1.  1969 Apollo Moon Landing: Was It a Hoax?  Found on a discussion board.

I am grateful to Charles Burris for posting this over at  I’d never followed up on the Nazi treatment of its ill.  This damns those Nazi elites to eternity as far as I am concerned.  And what’s funny is that Hollywood traipses out an actor with Down Syndrome to showcase how non-discriminatory they are, how inclusive and how “We love everybody” and “equal” they are.  They are not.  The U.S. is the place where sterilization treatments of folks not deemed worthy of life began.  See Edwin Black’s book, War on the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, 2012.


In something straight out of the prophetic Lord of the World, Sun columnist Katie Hopkins calls for ‘euthanasia vans’ as Britain has ‘far too many old people.’ Lord of the World is a 1907 apocalyptic novel set in Britain by Robert Hugh Benson. It is sometimes deemed one of the first modern dystopias. Recently, Pope Francis has several times recommended reading this book in order to understand the present. Essentially the novel imagines a socialist and humanist world where religion has been either suppressed or ignored. In the absence of religious belief, the State fosters euthanasia such as described in the above documentary on National Socialist Germany. (The Catholic Church was a major opponent of euthanasia under the Nazis.) In the novel, however, the Catholic Church has been suppressed by the rest of the world, which has turned to the Religion of Humanity modeled on that of Auguste Comte.

Many thanks to Travis Holte for advising me about the Katie Hopkin’s euthanasia column.

2:41 am on July 29, 2015, Email Charles Burris.

1. Charles Krauthammer has no regrets, July 2, 2018.
2.  A remarkable essay by Charles Burris on neoconservative George Will’s lamenting the absence of William F. Buckley, the neoconservatives who were huge supporters of the New Deal and FDR.  Posted on Saturday, June 3, 2017.

1. Tammany Hall: Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft, George Washington Plunkitt, 1905.

1. Why Did It Take Two Weeks to Discover Parkland Students’ Astroturfing?  David Hines, The Federalist, March 1, 2018.  h/t Bob Wenzel @ Target Liberty.  .
2.  “How Spontaneous Was the “March for Our Lives” march (Average Age was 49)? Gary North, Wednesday, April 4, 2018.  

1.  Michael Thomas Slager, Vocational Sociopath, Will Griggs, April 9, 2015.
2.  Slaughter House of Freedom, John Whitehead, July 15, 2015.
3.  Gypsy Cops?  Never heard of it . . . until today, Tuesday, October 20, 2015.
4.  Police Misconduct and Public Accountability, Wendy McElroy, 2010.
5.  Contact Martin Hill on How to Fight a Traffic Ticket @
6. This video is disturbing for several reasons. One, the cops pulled this kid over because he was riding his bike with earphones on. The kid could not hear them. The cops suspected him of belonging to a gang. Two, once they straddle him, one of the cops shoots the other cop in the leg. Angry or whatnot, the cops decide to shoot this young man in the back . . . four times.  The video’s description reads here:

A disturbing video emerged Friday showing two Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies killing a man after they had chased him for riding a bicycle while wearing headphones.

The incident took place more than a year ago with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department initially telling the media that they shot and killed 23-year-old Noel Aguilar, a “known gang member,” after he pulled out a gun and shot a deputy.

But now a video shows the two deputies struggling to arrest Aguilar when one deputy pulls out his gun and shoots the second deputy before placing his gun back into its holster, then putting the blame on Aguilar.

I wouldn’t say that “when on deputy pulls out his gun.”  It looks like the deputy’s gun fell out of his holster as Aguilar rose from the cement sidewalk to his knees in resistance, knocking the officer off balance.  You can hear in the video the gun hitting the sidewalk. You can also see the officer reaching for his gun, and it is notated as well.  What is clear, too, is the fact that Aguilar is prone on his stomach with the officers straddling his back. You can see and hear the one officer handcuff his hands behind his back.  They shoot him in the back.  Whether the gun fell out of the holster or the officer pulled it out is moot.  Why did the officer need to shoot Aguilar? Because he was resisting arrest.  And when he went to shoot Aguilar, he missed, hitting his partner in the leg instead.  Then as the logic of policemen goes, the second officer made the decision to fire four shots in Aguilar’s back.  And killed him.  According to this report, Deputy Jose Ruiz fired his gun and the round hit his partner, Deputy Murad, who immediately begins blaming Aguilar for shooting him.  Early in the video, you can hear Murad shouting “He’s got a gun!  He’s got a gun!”  Too many Latinos love to blame and hate on whites for their abuse and treatment of Latinos.  I say look at your own.  Here is an incident of two Mexican surnames murdering a kid.  What’s that about?

Some interesting comments here.  You can find a picture of Noel Aguilar, 23, who was murdered on May 26, 2014, here.  Shaun King concludes that” Officers Ruiz and Murad, who are actually back on duty, should not only be fired, but be brought up on charges.”  This is just as shocking as the blatant murder.  Here is another version that comes with the dialogue.  These cops simply murdered Noel Aguilar.


7.  Chicago man’s son is murdered by police.  Neighbor woman also killed.  “Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, Hey!” December 2015.
8.  Cleveland cop will not be charged with the murder of Tamir Rice.
9.  Woman Wins $875k in Excessive Force Settlement.


10.  Shooting of LaVoy Finicum, Oregon rancher, written by Will Grigg, January 28, 2016.
11.  Commenting on an article that also appeared in the LA Times but originally at TheFreeThoughtProject by Andrew Emmett on January 28, 2016, William Anderson adds “So, authorities in Los Angeles declared that they have no problem with cops indiscriminately opening fire on innocent people as long as the cops claim they are afraid. Yes, the USA is a police state, for, in a police state, the police ARE the law.”
12.  Radley Balko on “The One Thing That Will Get a Cop Fired,” January 26, 2016, Washington Post.
13.  Call the Anti-Police, by William Norman Grigg, September 2014.
14.  Robert Wenzel on How to Deal with the Police, July 8, 2016.
15.  Police harassment? Dial 411.
16.  Police Brutality against whites.  Police brutality against blacks.  Colorado cops.
18.  Jeronimo Yanez, the St. Anthony, Minnesota police officer who killed Philando Castile, was trained in a class that enforces the idea that police are under constant threat and could be killed in the blink of an eye if they hesitate.

1.  “Charlie Hebdo Shootings: False Flag?,” Ron Paul Institute, January 14, 2015.
2.  Seymour Hersh, “The Red Line and the Rat Line,”
3.  “How to Go to Jail,” Feb. 23, 2015.
4.  Hassidic Jews Protest Netanyahu in New York, March 2015.
5.  Seymour Hersch’s bin Laden assassination story debunked by Paul Craig Roberts, 5-11-2015.
6.  St. Hillary & the Religious Left, Murray Rothbard, 1994.
7.  The Menace of the Religious Left, Murray Rothbard.
8.  John McCain is no war hero.  A must-read for anyone to know the crimes of this liar.
9.  John McCain as Tokyo Rose, Unz Reader, March 9, 2015.
10.  Obama Deserves Praise for Stifling the War Party, David Stockman, July 2015.
11.  Instability of Plural (or Democratic) Societies, 1972.
12.  The Truth About Paul Ryan, Bob Wenzel, October 23, 2015.
13.  Neocons allow criticism of their foreign policy at National Review, Conrad Black, 2015, by endorsing Donald Trump.
14.  This is unbelievable.  A top staffer in Rand Paul’s campaign, Elise Jordan and widow to Michael Hastings who died in the car crash in the Fairfax District in Los Angeles, has left Rand’s campaign.  How did she get on in that campaign?  From Robert Wenzel at Target Liberty, January 12, 2016.
15.  Chris Christie donates to Plan Parenthood.  ”I support Planned Parenthood privately with my personal contribution and that should be the goal of any such agency, to find private donations, ” Christie is quoted as saying in an article posted on that was originally written for the Star-Ledger.

Read more:
16.  Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea of Destroying America, James Ostrowski, 2014.  part 1 of 3.  “Instead of cutting spending, Reagan raised taxes six times to pay for the insolvent progressive state built up by Wilson, FDR, and Johnson.”
17.  Robert Ringer on Conservatives, January 26, 2016.
18.  “Is Hillary Clinton a Warmonger?” Robert Wenzel, Tuesday, July 5, 2016.
19.  Fidel Castro: His Daughter Calls Him a Tyrant, EPJ, November 27, 2016.
20.  Henry Kissinger:  A Soviet Spy?
21.  Is Donald Trump Kissinger’s Backdoor Plan?  William F. Engdahl.
22.  Caroline Kennedy attacked in a pre-campaign run.  It embarrasses her family.

1. John McCain here, here, here, here, here, here calling for war, and here, here, here, here, here, from LRC here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, a deep dive here by Adam Dick see this for example,

While Ron Paul worked in the US House of Representatives and founded RPI to advocate for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of civil liberties at home, McCain was advocating for war abroad and restraints on liberty at home.

here in his role in the Keating Five.  Remember those gentlemen?  Caitlin Johnstone’s may be the best.  More on McCain here, here, here, here, here, Caitlin Johnstone on stop normalizing war criminals, here, here, here, 


1.  25 Things We Used to Do But Can’t Do Anymore.

1.  Why Being Poor Is Too Expensive, Joe Carter, October 26, 2015.
2.  The Poor in the U.S. are Richer Than the Middle Class in Much of Europe, Ryan McMaken, October 18, 2015.

1.  Situational Awareness.
2.  Make Corruption Your Friend, Doug Casey, Feb. 09, 2011.

1. FDR
2. LBJ.  This shortlist of articles on LBJ from Charles Burris, dated November 25, 2017.  Burris is a great teacher in the truest sense of the word.
a.  “The Great Society: A Libertarian Critique,” is one of Murray Rothbard’s best essays, very comprehensive and incisive in tracing LBJ’s legacy from FDR. This is where Rothbard introduced the term “the welfare-warfare state.”

b.  “Lyndon Johnson’s Terrible Legacy,” describes a tour of the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library and how his sycophants and toadies hope to see him remembered by the willfully ignorant masses.

c.  Chasing Demons: LBJ Versus The Kennedys is the History Channels’ 2003 apocryphal production of LBJ’s secret war with the Kennedys’, Chasing Demons: LBJ VS The Kennedy’s. This production was aired during the 40th anniversary week that the HC dedicated to the legacy of John F. Kennedy, it then promptly disappeared after the barrage of backlash from LBJ’s most powerful widow, “Ladybird” Johnson and others over the channels portrayal of Lyndon Johnson during the week of the 40th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Do not mistake the use of apocryphal as related to the Roman Latin version, as meaning spurious, the original Greek meaning was, Apo- away, and Kruptein- for hidden, that is where we get the English word cryptic. This production was basically hidden away as it was pulled from circulation when powerful persons close to the legacy of Lyndon Johnson objected to how he was portrayed during that week over several shows, as much as certain persons might complain that his legacy was tarnished, keep in mind that this program uses archival audio recordings and that most of the people interviewed for this 2003 program were his peers. It is quite odd that the HC would air this show that had so many persons who lived during the Kennedy and Johnson years in the white house talk of intimate details and then to have the show discarded from their lineup of related programs. Obviously this Chasing Demons special was removed along with the 2003 The Men Who Killed Kennedy series episodes, partially at the powerful insistence of LBJ’s widow, Claudia “Ladybird” Taylor Johnson.

Hey, Hey L. B. J.  is an Amazon book/DVD list I compiled.

3. JFK
15.  To develop your study of U.S. Presidents further, please check out the book titles on the different presidents here

1.  Indiana Prosecutor, Bradley D. Cooper, putting more people behind bars.  Reason Magazine, March 1, 2016. 
2.  “Prison Time,” Gary North. 
3.  The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic, David J. Rothman, 2002.

1.  Progressivism: Ideology Destroying America, Patrick Krey, 2014.
2.  Here is a terrific letter from Richard Ebling on Progressives, based on an interview he and Jacob G. Hornberger conducted on December 15, 2015.

Modern American liberals often choose to call themselves “Progressives” and their political agenda, “Progressivism.” But what does this mean and what is its origin? It all began, as with many things on “the left,” with Karl Marx who claimed to have discovered the “laws” of historical development that moved society from less to more advanced and perfected human existence, and then with the German economists and political philosophers of the second half of the nineteenth century (the “German Historical School”) who insisted that society is constantly changing and each stage of historical development requires different social rules, laws and economic relationships enforced by the State.

Several generations of young American scholars studied in Germany with these advocates of political “opportunism” and “expediency” (as they hailed their views of government policy) and returned to the U.S. and founded the “Progressive Movement” in the early years of the twentieth century.

Their American guru was Woodrow Wilson who insisted that the U.S. Constitution needed to be a “living document” reflecting “modern times,” which for him and those who thought like him meant the concentration of political power in Federal hands to transform society into an effective and efficient interventionist-welfare state.

This is why, today, people like Barack Obama insist that their desired policies are on the “right side of history.” Since their implicit (Marxian-like) assumption is that history moves society away from the greed and selfishness of self-interested profit to a higher plain of communal sharing and sacrifice for the “common good” defined and implemented by a political elite arrogantly presuming to know how society should be organized for a “better” and more “socially just” world to come.

The video interview is below:


3.  The Attractiveness of Progressivism, Eric Englund, December 2, 2015.
4.  Progressivism Is a Blob of Alleged Rights That Results in Nothing But Structural Disorder, Yonathan Amselem, December 31, 2015.  Below is an excerpt:

A Plea for More Precise Language
Pitching a wish list of other people’s property naturally requires a total deformation of the English language. The left has recently adopted many vague, imprecise, but passionate words into their lexicon.

“Equality,” “social justice,” “appropriation,” “racism,” “climate justice,” “micro-aggressions,” and many other terms referencing broad, nebulous concepts are now battle cries for stuff

In practice, being “for” something like social justice means to be for just about anything and against just about anything! Do any two people have the same idea about what social justice means?

Groups as diverse as American universities, the Green Party, Italian Fascists, and even the American Nazi party share a commitment to “social justice.” This is not a minor point — expressing a vague set of guiding principles means that almost all government objectives will be legitimate, no matter the destructive means used to achieve those professed ends. Much like Progressive “rights,” terms like “social justice” can be used to justify the overwhelming majority of government action.

5.  Jeff Deist on Progressives, June 3, 2016.

1.  Messianic Communism in the Protestant Reformation, Murray Rothbard.

1.  Real Estate Bubble, Doug French, July 21, 2015.
2.  How Ownership Rates Vary Wildly: What’s Going On?  Mike “Mish” Shedlock, June 10, 2016.

1.  Happy Columbus Day, Ryan McMaken, 2007.  More on Columbus from McMaken.  From McMaken’s article:

Columbus himself had not been an object of any particular veneration prior to the 19th century. He was respected, but not an object of adulation for school children. There’s a large plaza featuring him in Madrid for obvious reasons, and the Genoese sometimes revere him as one of them.

But it seems that 19th-century American nationalists invented the myth of the semi-divine Columbus who needs a government-invented holiday for his proper veneration. He provided an important addition to the mythology of national origin — something very precious to nationalists everywhere — but Columbus was especially useful because he made America’s roots seem more ancient, and also more adventurous and heroic.

Columbus was helpful as an illustration of the presumed virtues of American imperialism in the late 19th century. For the imperialists, Columbus took civilization to the New World much in the same way the Americans were taking civilization to the Filipinos or the Mexicans or the Hawaiians.

2.  On How to Teach Revisionist History, Gary North, 2015.  I like how he links to articles by Mae Brussell, “Then you go to Mae Brussell, whose remarkable articles are online. For decades, only the hardcore knew about her — mainly on the Left.”  Here is an excerpt from North’s article:

Let me give you an example. I think it is beyond question that the Cherokee nation had roots in Western Europe. There is a 2012 book on this by Donald Yates: Old World Roots of the Cherokee: How DNA, Ancient Alphabets and Religion Explain the Origins of America’s Largest Indian Nation. Needless to say, it was not published by a university press. Also needless to say, the author is not employed by a university. The book is remarkable in its documentation. It has a large bibliography and a lot of footnotes. It draws upon materials that have been completely unknown to the academic community.

3.  On the use of the term “terrorist” to denigrate the reasons for people taking up arms and fighting back against government violence and meddling, McMaken, 2002.
4.  Adam Smith, Murray Rothbard, 1970.

1.  Fetal Personhood, Laws: Juridical Persons Are Not Persons and Why It Matters, Imani Gandy, January 3, 2013.
2.  Legalized Murder, Judge Andrew Napolitano, January 20, 2016.
3.  Gary North on Roe v. Wade.

1. First Responders Turn Out to Be First Takers, Robert Wenzel, September 11, 2015.

1.  Sandyhook Justice.
2.  Memory Hole Blog, James Tracy.

1.  Slavery in Brazil & the United States, An Essay in Comparative History, Carl N. Degler.  The American Historical Review, Apr. 1970.

1.  Venezuelan Farmers Forced to Hand Food Over to Government, July 21, 2015.
2.  Robert Schiller Shilling for Socialism, Peter St. Onge, October 19, 2015.
3.  Fidel Castro’s Cuba, Tyler Cowen, November 2016.
4.  Fidel Castro Dead, WaPo, 2016.
5.  Doug Casey on Fidel’s Cuba, 2016.
6.  Fidel Castro: Hero or Cold-Blooded Murderer?  Yuri Maltzev, 2016.
7.  Tom Woods Interviews Humberto Fontava, 2016.

1.  Aaron Hernandez verdict.  Guilty of 1st-degree murder.  The guy is a mobster.  A thug.  Hernandez believed himself invincible, that he was not accountable to anyone in any way.  But he’s learned now that there is a hierarchy of authority above and below him.  He is not a god.  He is not allowed to take life.  It’s not enough that people are raised religious, for too often the religion or the text on which their religion is founded is rarely explained. It’s an explanation that gives the text meaning.  And it’s meaning that gives the individual the ability to apply it in his life.

SUCCESS (or Successful Characteristics)
1.  Tenacity.
2.  Gary North on Success, “With each success in life comes an equal measure of added responsibility. Always. Life gets tougher and more challenging over time as successes pile up . . . .”

1.  U.S. Supreme Court’s worst decisions by Judge Andrew Napolitano, September 18, 2013.

1. How to Sweep for Bugs and Hidden Cameras, Lily Hay Newman, Wired Magazine, December 09, 2017.
2.  Wi-Fi Can Be Used to Photograph [Things & People in] Rooms Through Walls, Dave Mosher, Business Insider, May 22, 2017.
3.  “If You Don’t Think You’re Being Recorded at Work, You’re Naive,” Seanie Blue, NPR, 2018.
4.  “Facebook as Ultimate Government Surveillance Tool?” Kalev Leetaru, Forbes Magazine, July 20, 2018.
5.  “Communication Companies Have Been Spying on You Since the 19th Century,” Becky Little,, March 26, 2018.
6.  “Amazon, Stop Powering Government Surveillance,” Jamie Williams and Jennifer Lynch, EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, May 29, 2018.

1998, Enemy of the State.  Tony Scott, brother of British filmmaker, Ridley Scott, directed Enemy of the State, 1998 I did not know that he committed suicide in San Pedro in 2012.

For articles on the NSA, read those written by James BamfordJames Bamford’s book, The Puzzle Palace (1983).  Another book by Bamford is his Pretext to War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies, 2005.

8.  “Everything You Need to Know About Employee Monitoring,” Dave Nevogt, Hubstaff, 

1. “Donald Trump Is Reckless on Syrian.  It’s His Worst Foreign Policy Folly,” James Bovard, June 26, 2017. 
2.  “U.S., Britain, and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack,” Helene Cooper, Thomas Gibbons-Neff, and Ben Hubbard, New York Times, April 13, 2018.

1.  Henry George.
2.  Laurance Vance on Loopholes, Nov. 2017.

1.  Freedom, Productivity, and Progress, Edward P. Colson, 1980.
The Source of Abundance
It is hard for us to imagine how little their little can be. A traveler in a primitive region came upon a family bowed down with grief because they had lost–not a child or mother–just a lowly needle! In colonial America, they are said to have burned houses to recover the nails. Nails were even used as money until Jacob Perkins invented the machine in 1795 that would make 60,000 of them a week. (Imagine the “inflation”!) After that, they sold nails by the keg, not by the dozen. Ordinary pins once cost twenty cents each (when twenty cents was a fair start on a day’s wage), and were given as gilts–until a man broke the pin market with a machine that would ‘tum out two million a week. Wearing fitted shoes was once the exclusive privilege of monarchs and the very wealthy. Ordinary folks wore clodhoppers which fit very sloppily; fitting a pair of tailor-made shoes was like having a portrait painted. A bushel of wheat cost an English laborer the equivalent of five days’ pay in 1770. It was not until John Deere’s plow broke the prairies, and McCormick’s reaper sped up the harvest–plus a lot of other inventions in the last century–that the English laborer had anything like an adequate diet. Famines used to be as common in Western Europe as they still are in underdeveloped areas today.
2.  New York Subway system run on 1950s technology, Newsforage, 1/2/2016.

1.  Donald Trump on “Radical” Muslims, Mexicans and Terrorism, Robert Wenzel, December 9, 2015.
2.  A Call for Proof on Syrian-Sarin Gas Attack, Consortium News, December 22, 2015.
3.  Putin on Who Created ISIS?


4.  Fear of Terrorism Destroying Our Freedoms, Richard Ebeling, 12/27/2015.

Putin smashes BBC’s, John Simpson. Posted on Sunday, January 3, 2016.


from Robert Wenzel at TargetLiberty:

John Simpson from the BBC asked Russian President Vladimir Puting the below question:

Western countries almost universally now believe that there’s a new Cold War and that you, frankly, have decided to create that. We see, almost daily, Russian aircraft taking sometimes quite dangerous manoeuvres towards western airspace. That must be done on your orders; you’re the Commander-in-Chief. It must have been your orders that sent Russian troops into the territory of a sovereign country – Crimea first, and then whatever it is that’s going on in Eastern Ukraine. Now you’ve got a big problem with the currency of Russia, and you’re going to need help and support and understanding from outside countries, particularly from the West. So can I say to you, can I ask you now, would you care to take this opportunity to say to people from the West that you have no desire to carry on with the new Cold War, and that you will do whatever you can to sort out the problems in Ukraine? Thank you!

Below is Putin’s reply:
(via Russian Insider)

5.  Quartz, Annalisa Merelli, November 25, 2015
6.  Israel Has 200 Pointed at Iran, Associated Press, Sept. 16, 2016.

1.  Ethics Behind the Pilgrims’ Rejection of Communism, Shawn Ritenour, 2017.  

1. TPP, an introduction.
2.  TPP, another perspective.

1.  James Bovard on Why the TSA Should Disband.

1.  American History of Compulsory Vaccines.
2.  CA Governor, Brown, signs mandatory vaccines into law.

1.  John McCain and the POW Cover-Up, Sydney Schanberg, 2010.
2.  John McCain and Tokyo Rose, Ron Unz, 2015.
3.  Quotations from The Best Enemy that Money Can Buy, Antony Sutton, 1986, by Rolf Kenneth Aristos, 2007.  One of the facts of war is this: countries involved don’t really hate each other the way the press rages on.  No, that rage is to drum up political support for military funding.  In other words, who benefits from all of the lead up to the war, the fighting, assessment, and so on are the military contractors.  Across the Vietnamese rice fields are strewn shells from Bell Helicopters still in tact from that war.  So Bell, one of many death merchants, benefited from that war.  Soldiers and military brass would get orders to dispose of perfectly good machinery so as to order more through the Pentagon.  And that’s what the Pentagon is–it’s a Home Depot for bombs, planes, tanks, and ships.  Rolf K. Aristos posts this quote

“In Korea we have direct killing of Americans with Soviet weapons. The American casualty roll in the Korean War was 33,730 killed and 103,284 wounded… The 130,000-man North Korean Army, which crossed the South Korean border in June 1950, was trained, supported, and equipped by the Soviet Union, and included a brigade of Soviet T-34 medium tanks (with U.S. Christie suspensions). The artillery tractors were direct metric copies of Caterpillar tractors. The trucks came from the Henry Ford-Gorki plant or the ZIL plant. The North Korean Air Force has 180 Yak planes built in plants with U.S. Lend-Lease equipment. These Yaks were later replaced by MiG-15s powered by Russian copies of Rolls-Royce jet engines sold to the Soviet Union in 1947.”

 “By using data of Russian origin it is possible to make an accurate analysis of the origins of this equipment. It was found that all the main diesel and steam-turbine propulsion systems of the ninety-six Soviet ships on the Haiphong supply run that could be identified (i.e., eighty-four out of the ninety-six) originated in design or construction outside the USSR. We can conclude, therefore, that if the State and Commerce Departments, in the 1950s and 1960s, had consistently enforced the legislation passed by Congress in 1949, the Soviets would not have had the ability to supply the Vietnamese War – and 50,000 more Americans and countless Vietnamese would be alive today.”


1.  Murray Rothbard on Just War.  An excellent article for reviewing the history of western civilization’s criteria for going to war.


2.  American Use of Pretext to Go to War, Richard Sanders, February 10, 2012.
3.  Religious or Secular Soldier:  Which Has Produced More Wars? Joseph Stromberg, 2013, Independent Review, “Onward, Secular Soldiers, Marching as to War.”
4.  Jim Lobe at Anti-War.
5.  Grant Smith at Antiwar.
6.  Here Ryan Dawson claims that the American/British/Israeli empire died in Syria.  I like it if it’s true, and I like it that he stated this.  

1.  Scott Creighton from Willyloman on San Bernardino false flag.  Mainstream media treats conspiracy theory reporting like radioactive material.  They just won’t touch it.


2.  Some of the best commentaries on false flags comes from James Tracy at memoryholeblog, where it all started by questioning the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting back on December 14, 2012.  Again, for the best reporting on that, be sure to see Tracy’s work.
3.  Witnesses to the San Bernardino shootings say that the shooters were three white men and not the husband and white Muslim couple that streamed across the web.  Thanks to Gary North at the Tea Party Economist, December 12, 2015.

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