War & Anti-War

  • This was an excellent analysis of asymmetrical warfare, all the more interesting to me after I’d just watched Ken Burns’ Vietnam War documentary last week.

William Lind on Fourth-Generation Warfare.  Lind’s books are here.

Thanks to Gary North.  Posted April 15, 2019.

Laurence Vance (2013) on the dead-letter Constitution as a guardian against war powers that the conservatives genuflect to.  

1. Thank you, Butler Shaffer.  

War, Peace, and the State,” Murray Rothbard, 1963.

“War and Foreign Policy,” Laurence M. Vance,

War, Christianity, and the State, (book) Laurence M. Vance, 2013.

Woodrow Wilson’s Faith in War,” Laurence M. Vance, November 20, 2014.  This is an audio review of Malcolm McGee’s 2008 book, called What the World Should Be: Woodrow Wilson and the Crafting of a Faith-Based Foreign Policy.  Wilson’s religion was inseparable from other aspects of his philosophy.

Free the Liquor Stores,” Laurence M. Vance, June 06, 2020.  An audio version of the essay

Posted Monday, March 28, 2022

World War III, a real possibility, with nukes no less.  Check out just the couple of paragraphs of Martin Armstrong’s essay, “The Doomsday Jet.”  Incredible.

The people surrounding Putin are FAR MORE aggressive than Putin – that is the truth! Putin has his own Neocons and they are pushing for a nuclear attack. They may just nuke Kyiv and hope the West backs down if Putin was removed. Or they go all-in and use supersonic missiles and take out NYC, Washington, Denver, Chicago, and LA simultaneously. If they did that without warning, they could even prevent a Doomsday Jet from taking off. This is what the Pentagon is arguing against.

They would not be sending a Doomsday Jet to Europe if they did not know that Nuclear War is now possible. Perhaps the REGIME CHANGE is seriously needed right here at home dragging these Neocons out by their necks to face the public in the open.


Most propaganda is conducted in the service of building up an enemy for war.  The COVID propaganda is war.  How many casualties did you see?  https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/why-would-anyone-believe-anything-from-these-scum/.